洪榮昭林巧菲Lin, Chiao-Fei2019-09-042021-08-252019-09-042016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0001702317%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98315由於近年財政部積極推動「金融人員專業證照制度」,以致金融從業人員對於金融專業證照的報考人數遽增,令人難以想像。而政府推行證照之目的在於提升金融從業人員之專業素質及提供消費者更專業有保障的服務。且金融業證照化制度得當,也助於員工升遷、薪資加給,同時也幫忙金融界對於人才門檻篩選,企業主及員工雙方可因此互蒙其利,員工亦可提升競爭力,形成企業和員工雙贏的局面。 目前我國證照在認同度、鑑別力和適時性等層面仍存在問題,而有部分人員對於財政部所推動之「金融人員專業證照制度」持反對意見,單純認為此制度的推動,只是在「證照多等於保障多」的心理下,無不渴望擁有證照多多,但從業人員考取的金融證照有時不一定和本身業有相關性,大多抱持的著備而不用的心態,此種狀況正是讓反對人員質疑我國的金融證照考試是否過於浮濫,只是增加考照補習班的業務,對於考照的實行效果持保留態度。本研究採用立意取樣的方式進行問卷調查,共回收339份樣本,透過結構方程式(SEM)檢定本研究假設,並加入馬斯洛需求理論了解金融證照對於薪資福利、職業升遷、工作滿意及工作績效對於考照者報考證照之心理預期及認知態度之影響。研究結果: 馬斯洛成就需求對於職業晉升與薪資福利有顯著正向影響關係,金融證照對於職業晉升無顯著正向影響關係,但與薪資福利有顯著負向影響關係.職業晉升對於工作績效與工作滿意有顯著正向影響關係, 薪資福利對於工作績效與工作滿意有顯著正向影響關係, 工作滿意對於工作績效有顯著正向影響關係.本研究結果可做為銀行業從業員参加考取証照之參考。Because in recent years, the Ministry of Finance to actively promote the "Financial Professional Certificate System," so that the number of candidates for financial professionals for financial professionals have dramaticly increased in the license. Without exception, the Government has endorsed many programs to enhance the implementation of certificates of professional quality of financial professionals that to provide consumers with a more professional security services. If the system of financial certificate does really help those certificate holders to be beneficial, such as get career promotion, salary increase or job security. However, employees obtain financial certificate and sometimes not necessarily correlated industry itself. This situation is what makes people question whether financial certificate system was abused to be floating, just increased the cram school’s business, so the implementation effect of certificate must be explored. Thus, this study used Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory to understand the financial certificate regarding the salary and benefits, career promotion, job satisfaction, job performance of psychological expectation and cognitive attitude. This study collected questionnaires were collected 339 samples and verify this hypothesis through conformataory factor analysis with structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of this study indicated that the higher needs of Maslow’ self-actualization, the higher levels of perceived usefulness of career promotion and compensation; the more certificates one held, the lower level of perceived usefulness of compensation; the higher level of perceived usefulness of certification on careern promotion, the higher levels of job performance and job satisfaction; the higher levels of perceived usefulness of certification on compensation increasement, the higher levels of job performance and job satisfaction; finally, the higher level of perceived usefulness of certification on job satisfaction, the higher level of job performance. However, the amount of holding certificates was negatively correlated to compensation increasement, implying the financial certification programs or policy should be revised.證照工作績效工作滿意職業晉升薪資福利certificatejob performancejob satisfactioncareer promotioncompensatin金融業證照與實質薪資福利及職業晉升相關性之研究-以銀行業為例Correlates of Financial Certificates to Substantial Compensation Increasement and Career Promotion - A Case Study of Banking Industry