汪靜明胡至翰2019-09-052018-1-232019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698460123%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103751陽明山國家公園環境教育課程方案發展之目的在於整合現有環境教育資源並進一步發揮陽明山國家公園的環境教育功能,其發展始於2010年。本研究採個案研究方法,旨在以環境教育的觀點,探討陽明山國家公園環境教育課程方案的發展背景與模式、影響因素以及各關鍵參與者的角色和功能。研究者以兩年半的時間,實際參與陽明山國家公園環境教育課程方案的發展,並藉由參與觀察、文件分析以及深度訪談等方式進行相關資料的蒐集。文件資料包含會議記錄、計畫報告書及研究札記等;訪談對象則涵括非正規環境教育途徑的供給者與中介者。 透過歸納整理,研究者將陽明山國家公園環境教育課程方案的發展歷程區分為三個時期:課程奠基期、課程發展期及課程實作期。而各時期則分別以建構課程基礎、設計課程內容以及發展實作課程為主要核心工作。在探究影響課程方案發展的關鍵因素部分,研究結果顯示,《環境教育法》的實施極為重要,不僅催生了陽明山國家公園環境教育課程方案,同時也引導其發展方向。而在課程方案的發展模式部分,陽明山國家公園環境教育課程方案的發展較似於Hungerford& Peyton(1986)所提出的環境教育課程發展模式,但加入了情境分析與人員培力等工作。其特色在於設計課程方案內容前,先建構環境教育綱領以及概念階層架構以作為課程發展的方針和內容架構,並導入多元人力來協助完成課程方案。而就陽明山國家公園而言,此課程方案發展的重要性不僅在於使其得以密切的與正規環境教育管道相互合作,同時也進一步協助推動環境教育工作。 另外,在陽明山國家公園環境教育課程方案的發展歷程中,環境教育參與者主要以專家學者、陽明山國家公園從業人員以及課程設計人員為主。其中,專家學者主要扮演供給者的角色,負責統籌規劃與提供專業諮詢;陽明山國家公園從業人員主要扮演中介者角色,發揮政策推廣、溝通協調等功能;而課程設計人員亦扮演中介者角色,主要從事教學設計與課程行銷等工作。透過分析陽明山國家公園環境教育課程方案的緣起背景與發展脈絡,檢視發展過程中的影響因素及探討歷程中關鍵參與者的角色功能與其互動模式,期本研究之成果可作為其他國家公園發展環境教育課程方案時的參考。Established in 2010, the Environmental Education Program at Yangmingshan National Park (EEPYNP) is dedicated to bringing awareness of nature preservation to the general public via a specially designed curriculum. Here, the author investigated the core curriculum, key personnel and program objectives that influenced the development of EEPYNP. During the course of this study, the author was directly involved in the administration of EEPYNP and this research involved personal observations, document analyses and in-depth interviews. This study revealed several critical factors involved in the establishment of EEPYNP, which including: 1) the progressive steps taken during development of the core curriculum, 2) the influence of related environmental laws and 3) the role of key personnel in the execution of EEPYNP. First of all, the curriculum at EEPYNP has undergone several phases of development. Its outlines were originally sketched out by designated committee members to meet the objectives of the EEPYNP. Following careful review of the initial plan, the course contents were subsequently designed. The effectiveness of this curriculum was further improved by incorporating advanced teaching techniques. Secondly, this study suggested the implementation of the "Environmental Education Act" as the main driving force behind the establishment of EEPYN. Finally, a group of committee members with multi-disciplinary expertise were recruited to establish EEPYNP. This committee consisted of environmental experts, the administrative staff in the Park and curriculum designers. Environmental experts played the role of “providers”, and were in charge of overall planning by offering professional advice. The administrative staff played the role of “intermediaries”, and were responsible for implementing policies and coordinating the work. Curriculum designers also played an intermediary role, and were in charge of course design, teaching, and program marketing. Moreover, the author has also found several unique features of EEPYNP. Its curriculum was designed based on the guiding principles and the conceptual framework that were laid down in the early stages of development. Thus, although there is a great similarity between EEPYNP and the program proposed by Hungerford& Peyton, the EEPYNP curriculum has several additional strengths, such as situational analyses, and staff empowerment. In summary, this study has revealed several key parameters governing the planning and development of EEPYNP that may provide valuable information for future establishment of related programs in other national parks in Taiwan.環境教育課程方案環境教育參與者陽明山國家公園environmental education programsenvironmental education participantsYangmingshan National Park初探陽明山國家公園環境教育課程方案2012發展歷程及參與者角色分析Explorative Study for Environmental Education Program Development and Participate Role of the Yangmingshan National Park