王震哲Jenn-Che Wang黃怡靜Yi-Ching Huang2019-09-052007-8-222019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693430501%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104151本研究利用外部形態、花粉形態、細胞學及地理分布等資料,針對臺灣產爵床科(Acanthaceae)馬藍屬(Strobilanthes)植物進行分類研究。研究結果顯示在外部形態上,花序、萼片形狀及生長形態是種間較為重要的區別特徵,而葉片形狀、葉片質地、果實及種子形狀也可提供部分分類的參考,花粉的外壁紋飾及形狀也有種間差異。 細胞分類學研究方面,本研究一共檢視了五個類群,其中S. pentstemonoides var. formosana(2n=18)、S. longespicata(2n=ca.28)、S. flexicaulis(n=16)與S. rankanensis(n=ca.31)為首度報導,而S. pentstemonoides(2n=18)與前人研究(Saggoo and Bir, 1982)不符。 根據研究結果,將臺灣產馬藍屬植物分為八個分類群,分別是:S. cusia (Nees) O. Kuntze、S. flexicaulis Hayata、S. lanyuensis Seok, C. F. Hsieh& J. Murata、S. longespicata Hayata、S. pentstemonoides var. pentstemonoides (Nees) T. Anders、S. pentstemonoides var. formosana (S. Moore) Y. C. Huang、S. rankanensis Hayata和S. wallichii Nees,其中S. wallichii Nees為新紀錄種,將S. formosana降級為S. pentstemonoides之變種。The genus Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae) in Taiwan was taxonomically revised based on morphological, palynological, and cytotaxonomic studies. The result show that inflorescence, morphology of calyx, and stem form are important characters for the classification of species in Taiwan. Morphology and texture of leaves, morphology of capsules and seeds also provide useful application. Palynologically, pollen shape and sexine sculpture show interspecific difference. Cytologically, chromosome numbers of five Taiwan Strobilanthes were counted. The chromosome number of S. formosana(2n=18)、S. longespicata(2n=ca. 28)、S. flexicaulis(n=16)and S. rankanensis(n=ca. 31)form Taiwan are reported for the first time. The count of S. pentstemonoides(2n=18)from this study is not congruent with previous study(Saggoo and Bir, 1982). As a result, eight taxa were recognized, namely S. cusia (Nees) O. Kuntze、S. flexicaulis Hayata、S. lanyuensis Seok, C. F. Hsieh& J. Murata、S. longespicata Hayata、S. pentstemonoides (Nees) T. Anders var. pentstemonoides、S. pentstemonoides var. formosana (S. Moore) Y. C. Huang、S. rankanensis Hayata and S. wallichii Nees. Strobilanthes wallichii is a new record. Strobilanthes formosana is reduced to the rank of variety under S. pentstemonoides (S. pentstemonoides var. formosana).爵床科馬藍屬分類研究臺灣AcanthaceaeStrobilanthesTaxonomic StudyTaiwan臺灣產馬藍屬植物分類研究A Taxonomic Study of Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae) of Taiwan