國立臺灣師範大學教育學系林逢祺洪仁進2014-12-022014-12-022010-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38895當前國中教師面臨教改、師生關係改變等因素,承擔可觀的責任與期待。據調查研究顯示,教師在長期重負之下,不但壓力過大,甚或有產生憂鬱的傾向,遂主張應暢通教師的發言管道或發展教師專業對話團體,以為抒解教師壓力的良方。循此體察,本計畫透過國內、外研究文獻之分析,發現「蘇格拉底對話法」在西方國家的教育、法律、醫學、政治、商業等領域之中,已被運用於心理壓力及專業困境之解除,並有可觀的成績。然則,國內對蘇格拉底對話法的研究及實作,雖有起步的推展,卻仍有進一步耕耘的必要,加以目前並未見有適用於國中教師所需的「蘇格拉底對話法」,故本研究擬以「蘇格拉底對話法在國中教師專業對話上之適用性研究」為題,進行期程兩年的學理分析與實作演練,期能發展出適合國中教師專業對話的蘇格拉底對話模式。第一年,邀請教師和專家學者組成焦點團體,瞭解蘇格拉底對話法運用在國中教師專業對話上可能遭遇之問題,據以研擬、修正及發展出適切的蘇格拉底對話模式,並擇定一所學校試行。第二年則分為兩階段:第一階段將第一年修正後的模式於臺北市和臺北縣二所國中正式施行,並進一步研修蘇格拉底對話法,供作第二階段進行之基礎;第二階段將另選定臺北市和臺北縣二所國中之教師,以實施修正後之蘇格拉底對話法,俾驗證並強化對話法之執行模式的可行性,供後續國中教師專業對話及交流之用。Currently, junior high school teachers encountering the educational reform and the change of teacher-student relationship, undertake considerable responsibility and liableness. Surveys and studies have shown that, with the heavy load, junior high school teachers are not only overloaded but also prone to potential melancholia. Thus, it is suggested that, in order to mitigate the pressure, channels for teachers to voice out or teachers’ groups for professional dialogue should be established. In line with this observation, this project finds that “Socratic Dialogue” has been applied in field of education, law, medicine, politics, business, etc. to deal with psychological pressure and professional difficulties, and that it has had a great success. By Contrast, the studies and practices of “Socratic Dialogue” in Taiwan are just at the commencement of popularizing and require further efforts. Besides, there is no model of “Socratic Dialogue” suitable for junior high school teachers. Consequently, in order to develop a “Socratic Dialogue” model which is suitable for the professional dialogue of junior high school teachers, this project will conduct “A Research on the Applicability of ‘Socratic Dialogue’ for Junior High School Teachers’ Professional Dialogue” and operates two years for the analysis and discussion of the related theory and practice. In the first year, teachers, specialists and scholars will be invited to make a focus group to discuss the potential problems of applying “Socratic Dialogue” in teachers’ professional dialogue. Then, according to the upshot, this project will develop a tentative model of “Socratic Dialogue.” Finally, this model is going to be exercised in one chosen school. The second year of this research project is split into two stages. The purposes of the first stage are to implement the emended model in two schools of Taipei City and Taipei County and to conduct a re-emendation of “Socratic Dialogue.” At the second stage, in order to verify and strengthen the feasibility of the re-emended dialogue model, some teachers of two other schools of Taipei City and Taipei County will be chosen to exercise it. Ultimately, the fruitful result of this exercise will be used as a reference for the following professional dialogue of junior high school teachers.蘇格拉底對話專業對話教師工作壓力Socratic Dialogueprofessional dialogueteachers' work pressure蘇格拉底對話法在國中教師專業對話上之適用性研究(I)A Research on the Applicability of 'Socratic Dialogue' for Junior High School Teachers' Professional Dialogue