王仕茹Wang, Shih-Ju陳雅芳Chen, Ya-Fang2024-12-172029-08-012024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/643da51813ed3189b33aec0ee1af83fc/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122757本研究探討奢侈品牌當前盛行與大眾品牌共同攜手推出限時與限量品牌聯名之行銷策略,探究品牌聯名策略所制定之產品策略、通路策略及被聯名策略所吸引之對奢侈品牌具品牌摯愛群體,三者對奢侈品牌具創新性知覺影響,且因產品策略與通路策略安排上採限時與限量此特性,則本研究亦探討消費者預先聯想如果錯過購買聯名產品之機會,則感到遺憾之感受,即探究對預期遺憾之影響,此外,亦研究奢侈品牌與大眾品牌所推行創新性品牌聯名策略,消費者對聯名產品產生購買意願之影響。本研究先回顧過往相關文獻,並提出三組假說,再採用實驗設計方法蒐集台灣消費者對於奢侈品牌與大眾品牌共同推出品牌聯名策略所感知奢侈品牌具創新性知覺、引起預期遺憾、促發購買意願之實證資料,以驗證假說,有效樣本數為240份。本研究主要發現為:(1)產品策略中的新產品線對個體感知奢侈品牌具創新性知覺具有正向影響效果,但產品策略對預期遺憾與購買意願未具有直接影響效果。(2)通路策略選擇快閃店及本店並未對個體感知奢侈品牌具創新性知覺、預期遺憾和購買意願具有直接影響效果,(3)消費者對奢侈品牌之品牌摯愛程度對感知奢侈品牌具有創新性知覺、預期遺憾和購買意願具有正向影響效果,依此研究結果本研究建議奢侈品牌制定與大眾品牌施行品牌聯名策略,應側重於產品策略,且設計聯名產品上,可開發先前從未設計之產品線,更可使消費者感知奢侈品牌具創新性知覺,且建議鎖定客群為對奢侈品牌具高品牌摯愛群體,從研究結果得知對奢侈品牌具高品牌摯愛群體在對奢侈品牌感知創新性知覺、預期遺憾及購買意願上,較對奢侈品牌具低品牌摯愛群體強烈。This study discusses the current trend of luxury brands collaborating with mass-market brands to launch limited-time and limited-edition cobranding marketing strategy, this study explores the product strategy, distribution channel strategy, and brand love, the three have an innovative perception impact on luxury brand. Because product strategy and distribution channel strategy arrangement adopt the characteristics of limited time and limited edition, this study also explores consumers’ anticipated regret if they miss the opportunity to purchase co-branded product. In addition, we also study the impact of innovative co-branding strategy implemented by luxury brand and mass brand on consumers' purchase intention for co-branded products. This study first reviews relevant literature and puts forward three groups of hypotheses, and then uses experimental design methods to collect information on Taiwanese consumers’ perceptions of luxury brands’ innovative perception, anticipated regrets and purchase intentions regarding co-branding strategy jointly launched by luxury brand and mass brand. The valid sample number is 240.The main findings of this study are:(1) The new product line in theproduct strategy has a positive impact on individuals' perception of the innovativeness of luxury brands, but the product strategy has no direct impact on anticipated regret and purchase intention.(2) The distribution channel strategy selection of pop-up stores and main stores does not have a direct impact on individuals' perception of the innovativeness of luxury brands, anticipated regret, and purchase intention.(3) Consumers’ brand love for luxury brands has a positive impact on the perception that luxury brands are innovative, anticipated regret and purchase intention. Based on the research results, this study suggests that luxury brand formulates co-branding strategy with mass brand, focusing on product strategy, and designing co-branded product to develop product line that have never been designed before, and to make consumers perceive luxury brand is innovative and recommends targeting the group with high brand love for luxury brand. From the research results, it is known that the group with high brand love for luxury brand has higher perceived innovation perception, anticipated regret and purchase intention of luxury brand, comparing with the group with low brand love for luxury brand.奢侈品品牌聯名創新性知覺預期遺憾購買意願LuxuryCo-brandingInnovativenessAnticipated regretPurchase intention奢侈品之品牌聯名策略:產品線、零售安排與消費者品牌摯愛的影響Co-branding Strategy of Luxury Goods: The Influence of Product Line, Retailing Arrangement, and Consumers' Brand Love學術論文