朱文增Chu, Wen-Tseng林秀妃Lin, Hsiu-Fei2023-12-082028-08-162023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/551ca4c0d89cedfa4d01c07b40bd36b0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121686本研究旨在瞭解廚藝教室消費者之人口背景變項、消費行為、產品屬性重視度與滿意度之現況。進而討論消費者不同背景變項與消費行為以及產品屬性重視度與滿意度之影響情形。以A廚藝教室的消費者為研究對象,採用量化的研究方法,透過問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集與分析。研究問卷分為四個部分,包含廚藝教室消費者個人背景資料、消費行為、服務品質屬性重視度與滿意度。正式問卷於2023年4月17日至4月23日,進行發放,共回收428份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,有效問卷為379份。研究的方法為項敘述性统計、因素分析、描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、皮爾森積差相關分析等統計方法。本研究問卷結果發現廚藝教室的消費者以上班族女性為主要客群,年齡分布以30~39歲最多,教育程度以大專院校,月收入以30,001-50,000元為最多。參加廚藝教室課程時間以1年以內為最多, 每月來廚藝教室的次數以1次以內為多,抵達教室以大眾交通工具最多,到廚藝教室以學習料理烘焙和紓解壓力為主要的目的。廚藝教室消費者滿意度以「衛生與安全」構面最高,「價格與品質」構面分數最低。不同背景變項之消費者在消費行為中發現,在性別、年齡、婚姻狀況在產品屬性滿意度有顯著差異。消費者在使用行為中,以在參與廚藝教室時間、到廚藝教室時段、同伴、每月來廚藝教室的次數、到廚藝教室的時段和交通時間有顯著不同。消費者對廚藝教室服務品質產品屬性重視度與滿意度之差異分析發現,在「價格與品質」和「衛生與安全」呈現顯著差異。建議未來廚藝教室持續保持優勢競爭力,包含:食材衛生安全、教學專業與品牌口碑形象,並提升課程價值,以增加消費者對課程價格合理的滿意度。This study aims to understand the current situation of consumers in a culinary classroom in terms of demographic variables, consumer behavior, product attribute importance, and satisfaction. In addition, it aims to discuss the impact of the differences of demographic variables, consumer behaviors, and the importance’s of the produce attribute on satisfaction. The study focuses on consumers of Culinary Classroom A and adopts quantitative research methods on using questionnaire survey for data collection and analysis. The research questionnaire consists of four parts, including personal background information of culinary classroom consumers, consumer behavior, service quality attribute importance, and satisfaction. The formal questionnaire was distributed from April 17th to April 23th, 2023, resulting in 428 responses. After excluding invalid responses, there were 379 valid questionnaires. The research methods employed include descriptive statistics, factor analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance, chi-square test, and Pearson correlation analysis.The questionnaire results of this study revealed that working females constitute the main customer group of culinary classrooms, with the highest age distribution in the 30-39 age range. Most participants had college education background, and the majority had a monthly income between 30,001 and 50,000 NT dollars. The majority of participants had attended culinary classroom courses for less than a year, visited the culinary classroom once a month or less, used public transportation to reach the classroom, and their main purposes for attending were learning cooking baking and relieving stress.Regarding attribute importance, consumers revealed the highest importance on"hygiene and safety" and the lowest importance on "image and design." In terms of satisfaction, "hygiene and safety" received the highest score, while "price and quality" received the lowest score. Differences in consumer behavior related to different demographic variables were also found in terms of product attribute importance for age and marital status. Significant differences in product attribute satisfaction were found for gender, age, and marital status. Consumers showed significant differences in usage behavior regarding the duration of participation in culinary classroom, time of arrival, companions, frequency of monthly visits, time of visit, and transportation time. The analysis of differences in consumer perception of service quality shows product attribute importance, and satisfaction revealed significant differences in"price and quality" and "hygiene and safety".廚藝教室服務品質產品屬性重視度滿意度Cooking StudioService QualityProduct AttributesDegree of ImportanceDegree of Satisfaction廚藝教室服務品質與滿意度之研究-以A廚藝教室為例Exploring Service Quality and Satisfaction - A Case of A Cooking Studioetd