王玉珍Wang, Yu-Chen林佳慧Lin, Chia-Hui2022-06-082026-07-072022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1aab2249367a1a590b2d92d68d8be5f9/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116784本研究旨在探討家族棋盤運用於個別諮商之影響經驗。以立意取樣方式邀請三位欲探索關係互動狀態、重新思考與形塑新的關係模式之25至35歲成人進行。研究以應用家族棋盤的諮商策略,與參與者進行四次個別諮商,並於諮商結束後進行個別訪談,以半結構式訪談了解諮商為當事人帶來的影響經驗。研究對諮商歷程逐字稿與訪談資料,以質性研究的內容分析法進行資料分析。研究結果發現: 一、諮商歷程主要包含四部分:(一)探索印象深刻的家庭畫面,並連結至當事人內在世界觀及關係模式。(二)探索現在的家庭畫面,並與印象深刻的家庭畫面兩相對照。(三)探索內在自我圖像,並進行對話。(四)挪動家庭畫面,發想與創造新的關係樣態。 二、家族棋盤運用於個別諮商之影響經驗大致可分為五個層面:理解困境、覺察渴望、修復傷痛、自我接納、創造連結,然其內涵、每層面的順序與所需時間等,依當事人獨特性而有所不同。 三、家族棋盤運用於個別諮商之助益性因素,包括:(一)視覺化、具象化幫助拓展覺察,綜觀關係全貌。(二)具體呈現互動畫面,促使正視困境、面對內在真實感受。(三)家族棋盤調動,讓當事人發覺並開啟關係有其他可能的新想法。(四)內在自我對話,提升當事人自我安撫與陪伴的力量和方法。(五)當渴望與傷痛被訴說和療癒後,當事人能創造新的關係互動模式。 四、關係議題與家庭系統分化情形息息相關,而以開放彈性的態度運用家族棋盤做諮商介入,方能發揮最佳效益。 最後根據研究結果進行討論,並提出未來實務與研究上的建議以利參考。The purpose of this study was to explore the influence after the family chessboard used in individual counseling. The study invited three adults aged 25 to 35 who wanted to explore the state of interpersonal relationship, reflection and shaped a new relationship pattern by purposive sampling. Each participant received four individual treatments which used the counseling strategy of the family chessboard. After the treatments, the individual semi-structured interviews were conducted. The purpose of the interview was to understand the experience of three participants. The researcher used the content analysis to analyze the verbatim data of counseling process and interview data.The results were as follow. First, the counseling process mainly consisted of four parts: (1) Explore the impressive family picture and link it to the client’s internal worldview and relationship patterns. (2) Explore the current family picture and contrast it with the impressive family picture. (3) Explore the image of the inner self and have dialogue with it. (4) Move the family picture to think, discuss and create new perspective of the relationships. Second, the experience of the family chessboard used in individual counseling could be roughly divided to five parts: understand the dilemma, aware of needs, heal the pain, self-acceptance, create connection. But its connotation, the order and the time required of each part and so on, depended on client’s uniqueness. Third, the therapeutic contents of the family chessboard used in individual counseling includes: (1) Visualization and concretization helped to develop awareness and see the full picture of the relationship. (2) Concretely present the interactive images which promoted the client to face the predicament and the true inner feelings. (3) Movement of the family chessboard let the client discover and open up other possible new ideas in the relationship. (4) Having dialogue with inner self enhanced the level and methods of the client’s self-soothe and companionship. (5) When needs and pain were told and healed, the client could create a new pattern of relationship. Fourth, relationship issues were closely related to the differentiation of the family system, and the best results could be achieved by using the family chessboard as an intervene in counseling with an open and flexible attitude.According to the research results, the researcher proposed some research recommendations, and practical suggestions for future research.內容分析法家族棋盤個別諮商關係議題content analysisfamily chessboardindividual counselingrelationship issue家族棋盤運用於個別諮商之影響經驗研究The Influential Experience of the Family Chessboard used in Individual Counseling學術論文