黃明月胡淑慧HU SHU HUE2019-08-292009-1-142019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094023106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92257本研究旨在探討成人學生對邁向成功老化的認知、準備程度、學習需求的現況、相關及預測分析,以案例學校成人學生共1400位為研究母群體,以自編之問卷進行調查,有效樣本數共602份,所得資料以t-考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行考驗。得到研究結論如下: 一、受試者在整體層面上對邁向成功老化的認知感到重要,其成功老化準備度仍不足夠,且對成功老化學習有需求。 二、對邁向成功老化的認知、準備程度及學習需求,在各層面中較重視家庭關係,而在健康自主層面的認知看法為重要,但準備度僅達偶爾且對健康生活有學習需求,顯示成功老化的認知、準備程度及學習需求與生命歷程的發展、生活型態與個人所擁有的資源有密切關係。 三、對邁向成功老化學習方法,意願強度依序為數位學習、服務學習、老人互動學習等,顯示邁向成功老化學習的方法將趨於多元化。 四、背景變項在邁向成功老化的認知、準備程度及學習需求達顯著為性別、年齡、婚姻、職業、年收入、宗教、健康、過去修課、與老人同住等,而其共同影響因素為年收入與宗教。 五、成人學生對邁向成功老化認知、準備程度及學習需求之間有顯著正相關。 六、成人學生其邁向成功老化認知的生活適應層面對邁向成功老化學習需求之預測力最高、學習需求之生活適應層面對邁向成功老化準備之預測力最高、學習需求之健康自主層面對邁向成功老化認知之預測力最高。 根據研究結果,對學校相關單位、個體成功老化準備之提昇以及後續研究提出數點建議。This study aims to understand the adult students’ knowledge, preparation and learning needs of successful aging. Among 1400 sample group, the valid samples are 602. Based on t-testing, one-way ANOVA analysis, product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis, the findings are as follows: 1.In general, the importance of successful aging has been recognized but not yet well prepared and needs to be learned. 2. Overall, family relationships receive higher attention on the knowledge, preparation, and learning needs for successful moving forward to aged. Importance of health and independent have been recognized but the readiness merely reached the level of “occasionally” and it shows a demand of learning needs on healthy live. It indicates a successful aging awareness, readiness and learning needs related to development of life, living style and personal resources. 3. The favorable learning ways of successful aging is e learning, followed by service learning and intergenerational learning, showing the learning ways will be varied. 4. Background variables for knowledge, preparation,and learning needs on successful aging reveal significant on gender, age, marital status,occupation, annual income, religion, health, class attend in the past, live with the elders and so on, and the factor of annual income and religion is the common effect. 5.Knowledge, preparation ,and learning needs represent a positive correlation with an adult student successful aging. 6.The life adaptation stratification of aging cognition shows the highest degree of prediction on the demand of successful learning,the life adaptation stratification of aging leaning needs shows the highest degree of prediction on the aging preparation and the health and independent stratification of leaning need shows the highest degree of prediction on the successful aging knowledge. According to the findings, some suggestions. were provided for school curriculum development.成人學生老化成功老化成功老化認知老化準備老化學習老化學習需求老化學習方法adult studentagingsuccessful agingsuccessful aging knowledgeaging preparationaging learningaging learning needsaging learning methods成人學生對邁向成功老化的認知.準備程度及學習需求之研究-以台北市某技術學院進修專校成人學生為例A study of adult students’ knowledge, preparation and learning needs on successful aging - sampling from adult students attending adult education program of Taipei Institute of Technology