潘裕豐Pan, Yu-Feng張玟洹Chang, Wun-Yuan2024-12-172024-08-082024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5ae944605d4094fbf752a54d7ee73b28/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122370現今透過網路資源取得訊息變得更加簡單容易,旅遊產業隨之發展日趨蓬勃,除了有形觀光的收益之外豐富旅行者的國際觀、國際之間文化交流更危多元文化等無形資產,旅人體驗逐漸從平面體驗過程進而轉向自助旅遊的立體體驗,以滿足心中所追求之旅遊方式。故本研究選擇五位自助旅行者作為研究對象,探討創意人格特質、旅遊經驗與心路歷程及如何創造價值。本研究採用質性研究方法進行探索性研究,以深度訪談法,訪談五位自助旅行者與周遭親友,並藉由次級資料,參與觀察和訪談資料,確立研究架構,並以其旅遊體驗及生涯影響探討其後續創造的價值。本研究發現如下:一、主要影響自助旅行者的旅遊意願有自助旅行者(之)創意人格特質,包括具好奇、想像、愛冒險、勇於面對挑戰及樂於用不同角度看待事物,過去成長過程中的啟蒙者及過去生活經驗影響,二、其旅遊體驗在感官、情感、行動等使其蛻變成長,小至如喚醒旅行者自我意識及找到自我價值,中至相關友人及社群,如促使友人開始嘗試自助旅行或勇於跳脫舒適圈,大可至社會,如議題被重視與討論,三、對其生涯之影響,包括個體的工作、自我、情感、等層面。這三者皆能促下一個嘗試自助旅行者的新旅人或為新事件啟蒙者。最後,本研究根據研究結論,分別對嘗試自助旅行者及未來後續研究者提出相關建議供參。Nowadays, it has become easier to obtain information through online resources, and the tourism industry has developed increasingly vigorously. In addition to the tangible benefits of tourism, it enriches travelers' international outlook, international cultural exchanges and other intangible assets such as multiculturalism. The experience gradually shifts from a two-dimensional experience process to a three-dimensional experience of self-guided tourism to satisfy the travel style that is pursued in the heart. Therefore, this study selected five self-guided travelers as the research subjects to explore creative personality traits, travel experience and mental journey, and how to create value. This study uses qualitative research methods to conduct exploratory research. It uses in-depth interviews to interview five self-guided travelers and their surrounding relatives and friends. Through secondary data, participant observation and interview data, the research structure is established and based on their travel experience and Career impact explores the subsequent value created.The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The main influence on self-guided travelers’ travel intention is self-guided travelers’ creative personality traits, including being curious, imaginative, adventurous, brave to face challenges and willing to look at things from different angles. The growth process in the past The influence of the enlightenment and past life experience; second, the travel experience transforms and grows in senses, emotions, actions, etc., from small things such as awakening the traveler's self-awareness and finding self-worth, to related friends and communities, such as promoting If friends start to try self-guided travel or have the courage to break out of their comfort zone, they can go to society. If the issue is taken seriously and discussed, thirdly, the impact on their career, including individual work, self, emotions, etc. All three can inspire a new traveler to try self-guided travel or initiate new events. Finally, based on the research conclusions, this study provides relevant suggestions for self-guided travelers and future follow-up researchers.創意人格特質旅遊體驗自助旅遊者生涯影響creative personality traitstravel experienceindependent travelerscareer impact自助旅行者創意人格特質、旅遊體驗與生涯發展影響A Study on Self-guided Travelers’ Creative Personality Traits, Travel Experience and Career Impact學術論文