邱貴發Guey-Fa Chiou李宜芬Yi-Fen Lee2019-08-292006-6-202019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693080045%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92898提問為教師教學技巧和學生學習環境中相當重要的一個領域。在課堂上,教師常使用提問技巧來刺激學生思考能力,及促進學生學習成效。不同的問題類別可增進學生不同層級的認知思考。過去不少研究依據問題分類,探究教師提問各類型問題的次數,但這些研究皆針對教師課堂上與學生的互動,將提問應用於教材設計發展的文獻甚少,因此本研究嘗試改變傳統教材章節式呈現的方式,改以問題型式呈現教材。本研究之研究目的在於為設計一個問題分類架構及檢測其可用性。五位公立高職教師依據此分類架構,將教材內容拆解成問題式教材。分析問題之數量、涵蓋教材的程度、重複性及教師對問題式教材之看法。 研究結果發現:1.本研究的問題分類架構可用性高(平均4.3)。2. 概念性知識較適合拆解成問題式教材,程序性知識則較不適合。3.教師拆解之問題式教材以低階層問題數量最多,越高階層的問題數量越少。4.增加拆解教師的樣本數,可補足互相所缺少或遺漏的部份,故較能涵蓋教材內容。5.越高階層的問題越難做拆解,問題重複性較低。6.問題式教材可輔助課堂學習,讓學生診斷或統整所學的知識,以思考自己的學習成效。 未來也可將提問擴展至網路平台,教師能在平台上形成自己的問題知識庫,並以問答的方式進行教學,避免課堂機械式的提問而降低提問的品質。教師也能在建置教材的過程中,訓練且改善提問教學策略的品質及技巧,故若能將提問的教學模式進一步融合網路式的教學則是另一個可探究的議題。Questioning plays an important role in the environment of teachers’ instruction and students’ learning. In a class, a teacher usually uses questioning skills to stimulate student thinking and promote learning performance. In the past, many studies applied some kinds of taxonomies of questions to explore the frequency of teachers’ questioning. However, these studies all focus on the interaction of teachers and students in class. Few studies apply questioning to develop instruction material. This study attempts to turn the presentation format of book-oriented traditional materials into a question-based one. The purpose of this study was to design a taxonomy of questions and validate its usability in transforming book-oriented text into question-based texts. Five Vocational High School teachers were invited to apply this taxonomy to transform materials into question-based instruction materials. The amount and the overlap of the question-based materials and the teachers’ opinions toward the question-based approach were analyzed. The results showed that thetaxonomy has a high usability(the mean is 4.3).Conceptual knowledge is more suitable to be adapted into question-based format. But procedural knowledge isn’t. The amount of low-level questions were mostly posed by teacher. Teachers indicated that question-based instruction materials is helpful to enhance students’ comprehension of textbook materials. In the future, questioning might be reinforced if we apply this taxonomy to develop a question-based support system.提問問題式教材問題分類架構questioningquestion-based instruction materialstaxonomy of questions問題式教材之分類架構及其應用The Taxonomy of Question-Based Instruction Material and Its Application.