許添明劉芳君2019-08-282009-7-12019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696160183%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91276教師待遇對於教職是否具競爭優勢是重要影響因素,但目前並無統一且有系統的指標可用來衡量教師待遇,因此本研究旨在建立可用來衡量我國教師待遇在國際間與國內是否具備競爭優勢的教師待遇比較指標系統。研究者首先參酌國際間教師待遇比較的相關研究,並考量我國背景脈絡擬定初步教師待遇比教指標系統,進一步以德懷術對國內學者與教師共16人進行兩次的問卷往返調查,先後皆達100%的回收率,兩次皆使用平均數、標準差與眾數三種統計量數進行分析,第二次更考量第一及第三四分位數,最後確認填答者共識為4個待遇層面、18個指標項目,以及4類國內特定比較職業;並以平均數進行重要程度排序。4個待遇層面代表檢視教師待遇時應包含薪資、福利、工作環境與職場機會,並以前三者為重;18個指標項目為各層面下實際進行比較的指標,薪資層面主要包含年薪、時薪及獎金與津貼,特別以年薪最重要,福利層面主要包含項目與天數或金額,並以後者為重,工作環境層面主要包含工作時間、生師比與班級規模三面向,並以每年工作日數為重,職場機會層面主要為專業發展,並以專業發展機會為重;4類國內特定比較職業為國內可能與中小學教職競爭人才的職業類別,為教師待遇的國內比較對象,包含教育學群中的「教育訓練專家或人力資源培訓人員」與「教科用書編輯人員」,以及「公務人員」中的「普通考試或特考四級」與「高考或特考三級」,並以「教育訓練專家或人力資源培訓人員」、「普通考試或特考四級」與「高考或特考三級」與之競爭程度最烈。Teachers’ compensation is an important factor for teachers’ competitive ability. However, there is no unified and systematic indicators for teachers’compensation at present. The main propose of this study is to build indicators of teachers’ compensation for primary and lower secondary education in Taiwan. Firstly, researcher refers to relative documents among international organization, and think about Taiwan’s context to build initiative indicators. Secondly researcher uses the Delphi Method twice, and inquires into 8 scholars and 8 teachers to find out the appropriate indicators. Moreover through the statistic analysis (Mean, Standard Deviation, Mode, and Quartile Deviation) to finds out 4 dimensions of teachers’ compensation, 18 indicators, and 4 occupations in Taiwan. The 4 dimensions of teachers’ compensation involve salary, benefits, working condition, and career opportunity, especially the first three are the most important. The 18 indicators represent that the indicators should be compared of each dimension: dimension of salary involves annual salary, salary per hour, and bonus and premiums, and annual salary is considerd the most important one; dimension of benefits involves items of benefits, and the number of days and the amount of money, and the latter is considered the most important one; dimension of working condition involves working time, studnt-teacher ratio, and class size, and annual days worked is considered the most important one; dimension of career opportunity involves professional development, and the former is considered the most important one. The 4 occupations represent that the occupations will be compete talent with teachers, involving editors of textbooks, professionals for teaching and training, and two types of officer, and the latter two are considered the most competitive.教師待遇指標teachers’ compensationindicators我國中小學教師待遇比較指標系統之研究