黃毅志2019-08-122019-08-122009-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82078行政院國家科學委員會先前兩次教育學期刊評比,與評比後公布的教育學門TSSCI名單,給國內教育學界帶來很大的衝擊。如今距離上次教育學術期刊評比已有5年,還有新創的期刊出現,也就有必要重新進行期刊評比。本研究透過問卷調查,建立教育學者對各期刊學術水準評價主觀評比指標,並根據被納入評比的期刊之教育學術論文所列參考書目做內容分析,計算期刊相互引用次數,建立客觀評比指標;再根據主客觀指標計算各期刊學術水準評比總分,並以群落分析對各期刊評比總分進行分級。最後,對於各期刊的評比分數做信效度分析,顯示評比分數都有良好的測量品質,並探討影響各期刊學術水準總分高低的因素,進而對各期刊提高水準的方向做建議。而本研究的方法,也可供其他學門期刊評比研究做重要參考。The two former evaluations on educational journals and the founding list of the TSSCI, both sponsored by the National Science Council, had a great impact on the educational fields of study in Taiwan. The third round of evaluation was undergone in 2008 because the last assessment was conducted five years ago, and a number of new educational journals were published. The evaluation used both subjective and objective indicators. The subjective indicator was derived from the assessment outcomes of the quality of journals by the survey through a circle of educational scholars. The objective indicator was underpinned by the counts of mutual citations according to the literature cited in the references of journal papers. Each journal was assessed according to the total scores from both subjective and objective indicators. Cluster analyses were employed to rank these journals into the indicators as four categories. Finally, the results of reliability and validity tests showed good quality of evaluation. Furthermore, the author explored the factors influencing the quality of journals, and then offered suggestions for improving the quality of educational journals. The methods used in this evaluation can also serve an important reference for assessing academic journals in other fields.教育學期刊評比journal evaluationeducationTSSCI2008年國內教育學術期刊評比研究An Evaluation of Educational Journals of Taiwan in 2008