黃城Huang Cheng莊達欣Chuang Ta-hsin2019-08-282009-7-152019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0893100075%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85727本研究以國家經濟角色的基本討論為切入點,研析國家的暴力潛能與掠奪性質與自由市場的對應關係,在中國大陸與台灣兩地將產生何種質與量的變化,而兩岸彼此又對對方形成何種變項,並進一步對兩岸的國家風險與經濟安全、全球化與國家角色的互動加以探討。新世紀來臨,中國正處於變幅極大的轉型階段,除了全世界的政經勢力版圖更加緊密結合,中國在世紀交替的10年內歷經了兩任國家主席與首度「在世」權力繼承,政治經濟發展上持續變化。另一方面,台灣的政治發展、民主轉型與經濟成長,無論是在華人世界或是全球視野皆具重要的經驗性價值,不但在2000年以民主選舉進行政黨輪替,正式將威權體制和平過渡為民主體制,在民進黨執政8年後,再度以民主選舉進行政黨輪替,逐漸形成以民主鞏固為核心的政經發展路線。兩岸各自發展至今,始終將國家視為一個必須積極介入資源分配的角色,強調國家機器與政府職能的積極作為。本研究擬從觀察國家經濟角色的三派論點:新制度主義、新古典國家理論、政治菁英理論作為主要理論途徑,分析比較中國大陸與台灣從1999年到2008年,國家經濟角色的內涵與發展。在操作定義的指標下,探討雙方國家經濟角色的變遷與變項,並在建構出國家經濟角色研究之理論架構平台後,以比較研究方法檢視中國與台灣國家經濟角色與國家發展之歷史背景、政經條件與系統邏輯,比對出兩岸國家經濟角色之異同。This research compared the economic roles of Taiwan and China. For the last decade, the 2 states faced a complicated and changeable political and economic circumstance. In china, through the governing by Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao who both have stark characteristics of rational and bureaucratic, China government turns into rational in economic but the politics, this means a authoritarian capitalist state may be formed and a new type of role of state may be established. The state has to face a conflict between ruling violence and marketing system. In Taiwan, the party competition went through the two-turn by which the democracy can be considered as consolidated. Despite the remarkable development in democracy, Taiwan authority was viewed as the main reason to hinder the free market due to their conservative and constrictive Chinese policy. In this research, for major theories were taken as approaches to observe and identify the economic role of state, and through the analysis of 3 main sections- state versus market, state with risk& economic security, and state in globalization-a compare between Taiwan and China was observed with a specific system that contend indexes.國家經濟角色新制度主義新古典國家理論政治菁英理論全球化the economic role of statethe New Institutionalismsthe New Classic theory of Statethe Socialismglobalization兩岸國家經濟角色之分析與比較:1999年~2008年The Research of Economic Role of Taiwan and China:1999~2008