林安邦Lin, An-Pan陳玟玟Chen, Wen-Wen2019-08-282020-12-312019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060107007E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88209在資訊爆炸的今日,「智慧財產」這個概念對國人來說已不陌生,但侵犯他人著作權的事件依舊層出不窮,尤其在網際網路普及至各年齡層的情形之下,更為著作權拓展出一塊新的領域。資訊藉由網路取得既然輕而易舉,就更容易使人侵犯他人著作權而不自知,不可否認,上至成年人下至國小學童,依舊很多人對著作權一知半解。故本文希望藉由探討臺灣北部地區國中生的著作權態度,來增進對國中生的了解,期待能作為教育現場之參考。 本研究之研究工具為改編之「國中生著作權態度之研究調查問卷」,針對性別、年級、就讀區域、上網時間、著作權知識來源、家庭社經地位等六個不同變項進行研究。本文研究對象之抽樣採用比例式之立意抽樣方法,抽取臺灣北部地區公立學校國中學生共1,622件有效樣本,並應用統計軟體SPSS22.0進行各項統計分析。綜合研究發現,歸納結論如下: 一、臺灣北部地區國中生的著作權態度之認知層面在「性別」、「年級」、「就讀區域」、「著作權知識來源(老師上課、網路資訊、校外活動、家 庭教育、其他)」、「家庭社經地位」等變項上有顯著差異。 二、臺灣北部地區國中生的著作權態度之感受層面在「性別」、「著作權知識來源(課外書籍、網路資訊、校外活動)」等變項有上有顯著差異。 三、臺灣北部地區國中生的著作權態度之行為層面在「性別」、「就讀區域」、「上網時間」、「著作權知識來源(課外書籍)」等變項上有顯著差異。 本研究根據研究結果,建議教育單位可藉由網路及相關課外書籍閱讀,增強學生的著作權態度,並請老師針對低家庭社經地位的同學,多給予著作權相關知識,以增強學生的著作權認知。 關鍵詞:國中生、著作權態度In an era of technology advance, Taiwanese are familiar with the term of "copyright." However, the incidences of copyright violation have still been happening. Under the current situation of Internet popularity among various age ranges, the field of copyright was developed into new ways. Since it is convenient to receive the information via Internet, it makes people easily violate someone's copyright without knowingly. People from adults to elementary students, no doubt, are still unfamiliar with copyright. The aim of thesis was to examine the attitude toward copyright among junior high school students in northern Taiwan. The thesis was expected to contribute the current civic education. The measurement scales were adapted from "the empirical survey on junior high school students' attitude toward copyright," including gender, grade, study area, time spent online, the source of knowledge about copyright, and socioeconomic status. Also, the thesis employed proportionate purposive sampling to collect 1,622 valid samples and IBM SPSS Statistic 22 was conducted to perform statistical analysis. The important results of this thesis are listed as follows: 1. There are significant differences between the cognition dimensions of attitude toward copyright and other measurements such as gender. grade, location of school, and sources of knowledge about copyright (from school courses, Internet, extracurricular activities, family education, and others) and socioeconomic status of family among junior high school students in northern Taiwan. 2. There are significant difference on between the emotion dimensions of attitude toward copyright and other measurements such as gender and sources of knowledge about copyright (from extracurricular books, Internet, and extracurricular activities) among junior high school students in northern Taiwan. 3. There are significant differences between the behavior dimensions of attitude toward copyright and other measurements such as gender, study area, time spent online, sources of knowledge about copyright from extracurricular books and socioeconomic status of family among junior high school students in northern Taiwan. According to the results. educational institutions could encourage students to read the related extracurricular books to enhance their attitude toward copyright. Also, teachers should provide more information about copyright for these students from the family of low socioeconomic status to enhance their cognition on copyright. Keywords: Junior high school students, attitude toward copyright國中生著作權態度Junior high school studentsattitude toward copyright臺灣北部地區國中生著作權態度之研究The Study on the Attitude toward Copyright among Junior High School Students in Northern Taiwan