吳相儀陳學志邱發忠徐芝君許禕芳2014-10-272014-10-272008-08-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17607本研究是以正向心理學預防角度,深入探討樂觀的定義及理論,並設計一套適合國小高年級學童之樂觀訓練課程,探討課程對學生樂觀與悲觀信念的立即及追蹤效 果。以新竹市某國小五年級學生為研究對象,兩班為實驗組共62 人,兩班為控制組共58 人,實驗組進行為期六週,每週二節課(80 分鐘)的實驗課程處理,控制組則未接受任何實驗課程處理。評量工具為「兒童樂觀-悲觀雙因子量表」,同時並分析「單元回饋表」、「課程總回饋表」做為輔佐 資料。結果發現:一、課程如預期能立即並持續提升學生的樂觀信念,但對於悲觀信念未有立即及持續減少的效果。二、課程教學符合學生學習需求。研究者歸納研 究結果提出未來在教育、輔導及研究上的建議。The purposes of this study were to design an optimism training program for 5th grade students and to investigate its immediate and long-term effects on students' optimistic and pessimistic thinking. There were a total of 120 students from an elementary school in Hsin-Chu who participated in this study, of whom 62 were assigned to the experimental group and 58 to the control group. Students in the experimental group went through the 8-hour optimism training program for 6 weeks, 80 minutes per week, while those in the control group didn't experience any experimental training. The results indicated that this 6-week optimism training program elevated students' optimism immediately and continuously, but had no effect on their pessimism. According to the "feedback questionnaires" from which we derived our qualitative data, students in the experimental group took a positive attitude toward the training. They not only were satisfied with every unit of the course but also enjoyed the whole course. They considered it helpful to them and believed that it had really changed them, cognitively and affectively.悲觀樂觀樂觀訓練課程PessimismOptimismOptimism training program樂觀訓練課程對國小高年級學童樂觀信念之影響研究Effects of an Optimism Training Program on the Optimistic Thinking of 5th Grade Students