釋宗白金樹人2016-05-042016-05-042010-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78097本研究旨在探討「禪修正念團體」對實習諮商心理師專業發展之影響,其中包括「自我關注」與「諮商實務」。研究參與者為公開招募的16位碩士層級實習諮商心理師,分成兩個團體,以連續八週的方式進行。團體結束後,以焦點訪談方式蒐集成員參與團體的知覺內涵,焦點團體的逐字稿是本研究資料分析的主要文本,此外,成員問卷與領導者團體札記也納入分析,以質性研究的內容分析法進行之。研究結果,在自我關注層面,包括(1)體察覺受:從心煩意亂到覺察身、息、心;(2)打開身心世界:從迴避負向到納受容攝;(3)安住當下:從原地躊躇到照見立足之地;(4)品味生活、體會生命:從順服既定框架到歷緣對境。對諮商實務的影響方面,包括(1)提升敏感度、覺察力;(2)放下專家的權威角色,實踐互為主體;(3)提升專注,與個案同在;(4)心理位移,擴大視域之轉化。研究者針對研究結果,與文獻進行討論,並提出具體建議,供未來研究與實務參考。The study aimed to investigate the effects of "mindfulness group" on the perceptions of counselor interns, including "self-care" and "counseling practice". The participants were 16 intern counselors with master's degrees. The participants were divided into two groups for a study of eight consecutive weeks. The data were collected via the focus group and used as the major texts for data analysis. In addition, the questionnaires of the members and the notes of the group leader were analyzed as well. All materials were coded and categorized by qualitative methodology. The results show that the mindfulness group has effects on each of the two variables: self care and counseling practice. For self care: (a) It furthers the degree of awareness and perceptions of the physiological and psychological self; (b) It helps participants open the mind of peacefulness and accept the negative self; (c) It helps participants enjoy the present moment; (d) It helps participants appreciate life experiences. For counseling practice: (a) It helps to promote participants' sensitivity and awareness; (b) It helps participants abandon the authority as experts and practice the relationship with inter-subjectivity; (c) It raises the degree of the concentration on the clients; (d) It helps to broaden participants'eyeshot with the effects of psychological displacement. Finally, the implications in the counseling work and the suggestions for the future research were discussed.自我關注團體諮商諮商實務禪修正念counseling practicegroup counselingmindfulnessself-care止觀、無住