林伯修Lin, Po-Hsiu林稚雯Lin, Chih-Wen2020-12-142020-02-262020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002312124%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111772本研究的目的在於探討花蓮民宿業者從創業開始至經營的過程中,策略選擇及關鍵成功因素對他們的影響,以半結構式訪談與參與觀察法,探討民宿創業者在創業與面臨困境時的策略選擇與關鍵成功因素,研究對象為花蓮縣四家民宿個案。訪談對象包含民宿創業者與其相關人員5人,民宿常客50人。研究結果發現:1.民宿外觀及環境氛圍為常客選擇民宿首要考量。2.創業階段,民宿業者營造出的氛圍和外型特色是成功關鍵。3.早期成長階段,則是強化民宿特質,香草民宿的作法是住宿環境清幽、清潔度優異、香草泡澡蒸氣、養生的餐點;蔚藍民宿的作法是西班牙高第建築外觀、豐盛美味的餐點、額外提供下午茶、對待客人像是對待朋友的感覺;城堡民宿的作法是城堡的外觀、歐洲皇室宮廷的環境、華麗古典的裝潢;秘境民宿的作法是特殊的外觀、與世隔絕的環境、舒適典雅的居住空間;通過這些作法實現民宿主人經營民宿的理念。4.目前成長階段,除了仍然需要重視民宿特質之外,另一方面則搭配當地文化、季節活動,建立其不可替代的地位。5.因網路的普及,部落客及臉書等等的平台,為主要行銷方式。結論:民宿創業,首重外觀及環境氛圍。在經營方面,應貫徹理念並不斷強化民宿特質,香草民宿讓人感覺放鬆的氛圍、蔚藍民宿讓人感覺像是到好朋友家作客、城堡民宿則是讓人置身歐洲城堡的感覺、秘境民宿讓人來到世外桃源的感覺。研究結果期能提供民宿創業者創業與經營之參考。The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of strategic choices and the key success factors during the B&B (Bed and Breakfast)entrepreneurship and the business management in Hualien region. By using the methodology ofsemi-structured interviews and participant Observation, this studyshowsthe entrepreneurial struggles and difficulties as the startup business for the B&B entrepreneurs. The marketing strategy and the key success factors are the case of four B&B in Hualien County. The interviewees included the entrepreneurs and the employees as 5 people and plus 50 guests. The result of research has indicated: 1. The decoration and the environment of the B&B are the most important factorsas for customer’s considerations while choosing a B&B. 2. As the B&B entrepreneurship, the atmosphere and the attractivesurroundings are the keys to success in the B&B industry. 3. In the early stage of entrepreneurship, B&B entrepreneurs need to strengthen the characteristics and specialty of the B&B.The case of B&B A is to provide a quiet accommodation, excellent cleanliness, vanilla bath steam and healthy meals. The case of B&B B is the Spanish villa has imitated the architectural feature of Gaudí, it also providesthe rich and delicious meals, free-of-charge afternoon tea. Just make sure all the vistors feel like they’re at home talking with old friends. The case of B&B Cis the castle outlooking within the environment of European royal mansion and the gorgeous and classical decoration and surroundings. The approach of B&B D is the buliding has the special exterior with isolated location, but with comfortable and elegant living space. Through these case studies, it shows that the host owners how to run the B&B and we can understand the business models in the B&B industry. 4. At the current stage of business growth, it requiresto pay more attention to the characteristics of the B&B additionally.On the other hand, B&B need to match the local culture and the seasonal activities in order to establish its irreplaceable status. 5. Due to the popularity of the Internet and social media, bloggers and Facebook platforms are the main marketing methods. Conclusion: The establishment of a B&B focuses on the house exteriorand the atmosphere. In terms of operation and management, we should implement the concept and continuously strengthen the characteristics of the B&B. The B&B A makes people feel relaxed, the B&B B makes people feel like visiting a good friend's house, the feeling of the B&BCis being stayed in a European castle.The B&BD makes people feel like visiting the paradise as Shangri-La.This study can provide the valuable information and analysis for the B&B entrepreneurs as the reference of entrepreneurship.民宿創業民宿經營創業歷程民宿關鍵成功因素Bed and BreakfastEntrepreneurshipStartupKey success factors花蓮民宿業者創業與經營歷程A Study of Hualien Bed and Breakfast Business Entrepreneurial Process and Management