蕭中強Hsiao, Chung-Chiang楊惠君Yang, Hui-Chun2023-12-082023-06-202023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/f130d1cd5fd8ea0cf8c3c97c9d84e323/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121951台灣百貨商場的密度居全球之冠,在高度競爭的市場裡,如何贏得消費者青睞,成為業界迫切需要深入探究的議題。因此,本研究欲提出在高度競爭的百貨市場,次世代地標型購物中心,應如何創新其營運模式,以開創無人競爭的全新市場。本研究透過藍海策略、資源基礎理論與價值要素金字塔等文獻探討作為基礎,試圖檢視現今地標型百貨商場營運架構,以提出創新營運模式。本研究透過質性研究中的個案研究及深度訪談方法進行探索,得到以下建議與結論:1. 地標型購物中心的價值定位必須從目標客群的未滿足需求去思考。2. 地標型購物中心在高端百貨市場,必須強化「聯繫與歸屬」的價值主張。3. 地標型購物中心在外籍旅客來臺市場,必須善用地理位置不可替代性的競爭優勢。4. 地標型購物中心需擁有提供極致服務品質的能力,並善用虛實融合的科技,不斷深化核心能力,以創造具藍海市場特性的次世代購物中心。The Density of Department Stores in Taiwan is the highest in the world, which means the industry of department store stays highly competitive in the market, therefore, the issue to attract consumers continually feel interested in visiting department stores needs to be explored with necessary and imminence. The research will propose an innovative operation model for the landmark shopping mall with the “Blue Ocean” concept in the market.The exploration of the literature review on the “Blue Ocean Strategy”, “Resource-Based Theory”, and “The Elements of Value Pyramid” provides the framework to proceed the research of an innovative operation model and service in the department store. The research adopts two qualitative research methods, case study on the competitors and an in-depth interview with the customers to have results and suggestions below:1. The value positioning of the landmark shopping malls is supposed to be considered based on the unsatisfied needs of the target customers.2. When the landmark shopping centers target premium brands’ lovers need to strengthen the value of the connection and belonging in the market.3. The landmark shopping centers partially target tourists, no matter whether national or foreign visitors, should leverage the advantage of the geographical location with the nice transportation hub.4. The landmark shopping centers should have the management ability to provide the best and premium services and the technology of integrating online and offline to create a next-generation shopping center with blue ocean market characteristics.藍海策略資源基礎理論價值要素金字塔目標客群核心能力Blue Ocean StrategyResource-Based TheoryThe Elements of Value PyramidTarget CustomersCore Competencies次世代地標型購物中心創新營運模式研究A Study on the Innovative Business Model of the Next-generation Landmark Shopping Centeretd