賴美玲鄭慧鈴2019-09-062004-7-302019-09-062004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000169%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108861本研究旨在探討主題式統整課程對國中學生音樂學習態度及成效之影響,並建構以音樂為核心之主題式統整課程設計模式及探究主題式統整課程在音樂教學之可行性。由研究者設計四個單元主題式統整課程案例-《吾鄉吾土-咱ㄟ故鄉三重埔》、《肢體密碼-我的身體會說話》、《人聲之美-歌劇動畫世界》及《懷舊思古話歌謠-阿公阿嬤ㄟ歌》,以台北縣某國中七年級學生37人為研究樣本,進行八週的實驗教學,並編製「音樂學習態度量表」及「音樂成就測驗」作為前測、後測之研究工具。資料蒐集尚包含學後心得感想問卷、教學日誌、小組晤談及藝術與人文教師之意見與建議等,研究結果分析如下: 一、學生在主題式統整課程實驗教學後,音樂學習態度明顯增強,但學習成效無顯著改變,音樂能力沒有提升。 二、音樂學習態度表現良好的學生,學習成效未必表現佳。 三、音樂學習態度及學習成效表現良好的學生,學科成就亦表現佳。 四、主題式統整課程設計應重視主題的選擇、學科本質的完整性、學生能力的提升及評量的多元化。 五、以主題式統整課程所設計的教學受到學生喜愛及肯定,可運用於音樂教學。 本研究之結論為主題式統整課程可適用於國中音樂教學。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the thematic approach integrating curriculum on music learning attitude and achievement by junior high school students. In addition, the feasibility of the use of this approach designed on music-centered was examined. Eight-week music instruction was developed and taught by the researcher at a junior high school in Taipei County. Thirty-seven seventh-graders participated in this study. The instruction included four units of thematic approach integrating curriculum: My Homeland San-Chung City, Body Language, Aesthetics of Opera and Animation and Taiwanese Folk Songs. Self-constructed Music Attitude Scale and Music Achievement Test were used as the instruments in the pre-test and post-test. Data was also collected from questionnaire, interviews to the participants and teacher’s teaching log. The findings of this study are:(1)Thematic approach integrating curriculum would improve students’ music learning attitude, but neither enhance students’ music learning achievement nor their musical abilities.(2)Music learning attitude is not correlated with music learning achievement.(3)There are significant correlations among academic achievement, music learning attitude and music learning achievement.(4)Selected themes, content qualities, students’ abilities and use of alternative assessment are important in such curriculum design.(5)Students’ music learning attitudes are positive to the four units of thematic approach integrating curriculum. Therefore, thematic approach integrating curriculum is recommended for the junior high school music classes.主題式統整課程學習態度學習成效藝術與人文學習領域Thematic approach integrating curriculumlearning attitudelearning achievementArts and Humanities Learning Area主題式統整課程對國中學生音樂學習態度及成效之研究