鍾志從瞿正婕Chu, Cheng-Chieh2019-08-282023-12-312019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060506041E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86770本研究探討幼兒氣質、父母教養觀與幼兒心理健康之關聯,以臺北市六個行政區中共383位四歲(中班)及五歲(大班)的幼兒為研究對象,根據幼兒家長所填寫的「幼兒氣質量表」與「父母教養觀量表」及教師填寫的「幼兒情緒及行為問題檢核表」來收集資料,並透過SPSS 22.0分析資料。研究結論如下所述:(一)女生的氣質,反應強度大於男生。(二)高社經地位的幼兒氣質堅持性高於中社經地位與低社經地位的幼兒。(三)父母對女生的傳統教養觀念傾向較男生高。(四)低社經地位的父母較中社經地位與高社經地位的父母傳統教養傾向高。(五)女生比男生較焦慮,男生比女生容易出現注意力不集中或過動的情形,男生也比女生容易出現攻擊或違抗的行為。(六)父母教養觀對幼兒心理健康沒有預測力。另外,本研究也發現,幼兒氣質表現可以預測其心理健康:(一)幼兒適應性低、堅持性低、規律性低者,其焦慮的情形較容易出現。(二)幼兒適應性低,其退縮的情形較容易出現。(三)幼兒適應性低、反應強度高、反應閾高者,其情緒反應較容易出現。(四)幼兒趨避性較趨及堅持性較低者,其注意/過動的情形較容易出現。(五)幼兒趨避性較趨者,其攻擊/違抗的情形較容易出現。(六)幼兒活動量較高者,其特殊行為問題或特殊兒童的行為特徵較容易出現。(七)幼兒適應性較低者,其身心症狀較容易出現。In order to explore the relationship among child temperament, parenting belief and mental health of preschoolers, the study included 383 preschoo-lers aged 4 to 5 years old in six administrative districts of Taipei City as the study objects. Child’s temperament performance, parenting status, child’s mental health status and related situations among the three were analyzed by “Children's Temperament Questionnaire”, “Parenting Scale” completed by the preschooler’s parents and “Children's Emotional and Behavioral Problem Checklist” completed by their teachers. The study has found: (1) Intensity of reaction in temperament dimension, girls are higher than boys. (2) Temperament of persistence of preschoolers with high SES is higher than those with middle and lower SES. (3) Parenting belief of traditional parenting of girls is higher than that boys. (4) Parents with low socioec-onomic status have higher status in the traditional parenting concepts than middle socioeconomic status and high socioeconomic status. (5) Girls are more anxious than boys. Boys are more prone to attention-hyperactivity problems than girls. Men are also more prone to aggressive-defiant than girls. Moreover, the study also found that children's temperament perfor-mance can predict their mental health: (1) Children who show low on adaptability, persistence and rhythmicity / regularity are more prone to anxiety. (2) Children who show low on adaptability are more prone to withdrawn. (3) Children who show high on intensity of reaction, sensory threshold and low on adaptability are more prone to emotionally reactive. (4) Children who show high on approach or withdrawal and show low on persistence are more prone to Attention-Hyperactivity. (5) Children who show high on approach or withdrawal are more prone to Aggressive-Defiant. (6) Children who show high on activity level, their special behavioral problems or special children’s behavioral characteristics are more easily to occur. (7) Children who show low on adaptability, their psychosomatic symptoms are more easily to occur. According to the research, children's natural temperament affects their mental health. When young children's parents and educators observe the children's suspected mental health problems, they must not only understand whether they are affected by the environment and the family, but also discuss the influence of the child's temperament on children's mental health and the relationship between them.幼兒氣質父母教養觀幼兒心理健康preschoolertemperamentparenting beliefpreschooler's mental health幼兒氣質、父母教養觀與幼兒心理健康之探討The Relationship among preschooler’s Temperament, Parenting belief and mental health