何英奇2014-10-272014-10-271990-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17781生命態度剖面圖是根據V. Frankl之意義治療(logotherapy)理論的核心概念編製而成,旨在使國內在進行有關意義治療理論之研究與應用時,能提供一個有效的多向度生命態度評量工具。研究樣本包括大專生615人。本量表試題初稿經預試與因素分析結果,共得到六個因素,包括求意義的意志、存在盈實(無挫折)、生命目的、生命控制、苦難接納與死亡接納等。此六因素再經第二層因素分析,得到兩個高層因素:「生命意義之追尋與肯定」和「存在的超越」。研究發現本量表之信度、效度均適切;此外,本研究並建立大專學生的常模,以及探討校別、性別在本量表各因素上的差異。Based on the central concepts of V. Frankl's logotherapy, the Life Attitude Profile (LAP), a multidimensional instrument for assessing attitudes toward life, was designed. It consists of 6 dimensions: Will to Meaning, Existential Vacuum, Life Purpose, Life Control, Suffer Accep-tance, and Death Acceptance. Further, it has two higher order factors: Meaning Searching and Assertion, and Existential Transcendence. A sample of 615 students from universities and jun-ior colleges was chosen to test its reliability and validity. The results show that LAP has rele-vant reliability and validity. Finally, a norm of these students was established.生命態度信度剖面圖效度生命態度剖面圖之編製The Life Attitude Profile: A Study of Reliability and Validity