柯正峯莊振沐2019-08-292005-7-142019-08-292005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H1023016%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92053諾爾斯成人教學模式在國小補校教學應用之研究 ─以台北縣為例 摘 要 本研究之目的在於:一、探討諾爾斯成人教學模式的相關理論。二、分析諾爾斯成人教學模式的主要內涵。三、探討諾爾斯成人教學理論預設應用於國小補校教學之可行性。四、探討諾爾斯成人教學模式應用於國小補校之可行性。五、歸納理論及實證之研究發現,並推論諾爾斯成人教學模式對國小補校教學的啟示。 本研究以文獻探討及問卷調查法來蒐集所需資料。問卷包含補校教師基本資料、成人教學理論預設之應用、成人教學模式之應用與應用成人教學模式之整體意見等四部份。以台北縣國小補校教師為研究對象,採郵寄問卷方式抽樣調查。資料處理採描述統計、獨立t樣本檢定、單因子變異數分析及Scheffe事後比較等統計方法,獲得以下結論: 一、成人教學模式建構來自哲學、心理學、社會學及成人教育實證研究的基礎。 二、成人教學模式的應用國內外差距大,國內仍待加強探討與進行實驗研究。 三、國小補校教學與諾爾斯成人教學模式關係密切。 四、國小補校對於諾爾斯成人教學模式應用可行性之看法大部分同意。 五、不同背景變項受試者對於諾爾斯成人教學模式應用可行性之看法有些許差異,但皆認為可行。 六、國小補校教學在應用諾爾斯成人教學模式時,亟待研訂配套措施。 七、整體而言,諾爾斯成人教學模式應用於我國國小補校教學具有可行性。 國小補校教學在應用諾爾斯成人教學模式時,需要解決的問題有:加強成人教學師資的培育與在職進修、專案規劃成人課程、設置適合成人學習的環境設備、倡導成人教學模式運用與教師養成自我導向學習的習慣。 關鍵字:諾爾斯、成人教學模式、國小補校Application of the Knowles Adult Education Model at the Elementary School Level: A Case Study of Taipei County Abstract This study has the following aims: 1) explore the Knowles adult education model and related theories, 2) analyze the key features of the Knowles adult education model, 3) explore the feasibility of applying the theoretical suppositions of the Knowles adult education to adult education at the elementary school level, 4) look into the feasibility of applying the Knowles adult education model at the elementary school level, and 5) combine these theories with empirical research results and hypothesize how the Knowles adult education model could be introduced at the elementary school level. Materials needed for this study were gathered through literature review and questionnaire survey. The questionnaires covered four areas: the fundamental background of adult education instructors; the application of theoretical suppositions behind adult education; the application of adult education models; and opinions on the application of adult education models. Questionnaires were sent through the mail to the research subjects (i.e. the instructors of adult education at the elementary school level in Taipei County) to conduct a sample survey. The statistical methods used to process the materials include descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe post-hoc comparison, which lead to the following conclusions: 1. The adult education models are founded upon philosophy, psychology, social science, and empirical research on adult education. 2. A large gap exists between the application of adult education models at home and abroad. Taiwan needs to strengthen its investigation thereof and conduct more experimental research on this topic. 3. An intimate relationship exists between adult education at the elementary education level and the Knowles adult education model. 4. The majority of educators agree on the feasibility of applying the Knowles adult education model to adult education at the elementary education level. 5. Although a disparity exist among the opinions of respondents with differing backgrounds on the feasibility of applying the Knowles adult education model, they still agree upon its feasibility. 6. When applying the Knowles adult education model to elementary school level adult education, there is a pressing need to study and establish a series of related measures. 7. Generally speaking, applying the Knowles adult education model to adult education at the elementary education level within Taiwan is feasible. When applying the Knowles adult education model to adult education at the elementary school level, the following issues must be resolved: strengthening of development and training of adult education teachers; specialization in adult curriculum planning; establishment of an environment and facilities appropriate for adult learning; promotion of utilization of adult education models; and nurturing of self-guided learning habits by teachers.諾爾斯成人教學模式國小補校諾爾斯成人教學模式在國小補校教學應用之研究─以台北縣為例