陳杏枝游家政Hsin-Chih Chen, Chia-Cheng Yu2019-08-122019-08-122015-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81889本文以臺灣某私立綜合大學(以下簡稱T大)通識教育課程架構為研究對象,文獻回顧釐清兩種常被提及的通識教育課程規劃和運作模式:「核心課程」和「分類選修」,並且指出「核心課程」模式在過去十幾年為臺灣通識教育規劃主事者所看重並鼓勵採行。再者,本文以六所通識教育辦學真特色的綜合大學(臺大、清大、政大、輔任、中原、元智)來分析其課程規劃和運作情形,研究得出大部分學校採取「核心課程」和「分類選修」兩種模式的折衷來達成其通識教育目標。接著,本文以校外專家諮詢意見、T大一些師生訪談意見以及上述六所大學歸納出的相似點來檢視T大現行通識課程架構,得出五項缺失。為了修正這些缺失,同時顧及T大辦學理念,本文以「核心課程」和「分類選修」的折衷模式,提出新的通識課程架構。This study analyzes the general education course structure of a private university (referred to as TU) in Taiwan. First of all, this study reviews two popular models for G.E. course structure, the “core curriculum" model and the “distribution requirement" model. The core curriculum model in the past decade has been favored by Taiwan's Ministry of Education. Several Taiwan 's universities were encouraged to adopt this model through government grand. However, after analyzing the G.E. course structure of six universities known for their outstanding G.E. program in Taiwan, this study found that the majority apply a “mixed" model to their own course-structure design. Using the data collected from consulting the experts from other universities and interviewing some teachers and students of TU, and the common features drawn from these six outstanding universities, this study is able to detect the problems from the G.E. course structure ofTU, and thus redesign a new model, a model with the mixture of“core curriculum" and “ distribution requirement".分類選修核心課程通識教育課程架構distribution requirementcore curriculumgeneral education course structure核心課程?還是分類選修?:某私立綜合大學通識教育課程架構改革之研究Core Curriculum or Distribution Requirement? A Case Study of the Renovation of a Private University's General Education Course Structure