國立臺灣師範大學教育學系陳淑敏 宋明娟 甄曉蘭2014-12-022014-12-022010-12-011992-5476http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38596高等教育為培育國家人才的重要機制,對於學生經由大學4年的學習 歷程,其畢業之時,如何順暢地從教育階段轉銜至職涯階段,此議題至 關重要。此一趨勢下,大學校院中的專業系所,亦需更加關注專業教育 所規劃和賦予學生的能力培養重點與內涵。本文旨在呈現與分析國立臺 灣師範大學發展學生專業能力指標的發展歷程、成果範例和議題反思。 依據計畫推動成果,獲得結論之一為:參與研究的系所,皆大致依本研 究提供建議的專業能力架構,建構其學生專業能力指標,顯示此架構的 適用性。其二則是呈現系所在發展能力指標方面,值得日後再加著力之 處,包括:一、師範大學師資培育功能的轉型尚待釐清;二、大學校院 與系所層級的各類能力指標與課程應同步規劃;三、系所之不同教育層 級的學生專業能力指標宜建立序階;四、系所對於學生專業能力指標與 課程革新的連結尚存疑慮;五、畢業校友期許學習內容回應社會變遷與 職場轉變。最後,本文進一步提出未來研究與實務方面之建議。Higher education serves as a significant mechanism to cultivate national human resources. However, it is quite challenging to equip college students with abilities of transferring knowledge learned in school to adequate performance at workplace. Therefore, it is important for the departments and graduate institutes of colleges/universities to clarify clearly their missions on preparing students’ general as well as professional competences. Based on the importance of developing college students’ professional competences, this paper aims to discuss the possible working model and process for as well as the emerging issues in the development of the college students’ professional competences by sharing the experience gained from the case of National Taiwan Normal University. In addition to the examples provided in this paper, the authors share their concluding remarks that most of the participant departments and graduate institutes constructed their students’ professional competences by following the framework of professional competence provided by the researchers. There were various practical issues deemed for further examination, including: 1. redefining the goals and functions of normal universities; 2. reconstructing curriculum structure together with the development of students’ professional competence; 3. establishing the scope and developmental sequence of students’ professional competences for students from difference disciplines and different educational levels; 4. linking the students’ professional competences with the reconstruction of curriculum; 5. making the learning experiences at school relevant to the changes and needs of the society and workplace. Finally, suggestions for future research and practice are also provided in this paper.大學生 高等教育 專業能力 教育評鑑 學習成效College students�igher education�rofessional competenceducation evaluation�earning outcomes大學生專業能力指標之發展以國立臺灣師範大學為例