湯添進Tan, Tien-Chin葉庭妗Yeh, Ting-Chin2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060431001A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107328澎湖縣第一漁港遊艇泊區整建營運移轉案,屬於公私協力與閒置空間轉型的一種,其轉型方法為透過整建後委外經營,達到空間轉型活化之利用。但事實上,並不是每個公私協力的個案,都能夠成功轉型,其中也不乏合作破局的案例,因此需要特別著重在於雙方協力之過程的掌控。而令人好奇的地方是,委外後私部門將以俱樂部的形式經營此漁港,在這之中,公私部門之間的互動為何?是否仍存在衝突?又是如何化解衝突?有鑑於此,本研究將對澎湖縣第一漁港遊艇泊區整建營運移轉案進行深入的探討。研究目的:瞭解促成公私部門協力之動因與分析協力之過程。研究方法:以 Ansell 與 Gash (2008) 公私協力理論模型為主軸,透過個案研究法與質性研究內容分析法來分析利害關係人之互動關係。訪談對象:公私部門、地方民意代表,以及學者共 13 人。研究結果:促成雙方協力主因是彼此皆有各自的目的,在合則有利的情況下,促成協力。此外,在協力的過程中主要依循促參法的框架,不斷透過促進型領導居中協調,並根據實際需求結合其他法令運作,從中建立起合作之信任,以及形成活動順利辦理的「小贏局面」。結論與建議:就促成協力之動因而言,澎湖縣政府在地方觀光正逢發展瓶頸之下,亟欲為當地觀光產業另闢新客源,閒置多年的第一漁港,因而成為一個可以發揮的標的;而業者則是看準了澎湖絕佳的地理環境而欲在此投資,由於海域屬於公部門管轄,因此與公部門協力遂成為必要。就本研究而言,協力過程的重點在於「人」與「法」,舉凡促進型領導的角色、與當地住商家利益衝突協調之妥善,或是是否具有法源依據支持,都會影響到協力過程的順暢與否。綜上所述,本研究希冀以上述研究發現做為日後公私協力模式經營之參考。The ROT Project of the Yacht Basin at Fishing Port No. 1 in Penhu County is a case using public-private partnership as a way to reactivate an underused space. Nevertheless, not all cases of public-private partnership are successful. Managing the process of how public and private sectors collaborate with each other is thus crucial. With affiliate marketing being the strategy of how the contractor is going to operate the completed port after transferring, what’s worth investigating are the interaction between the two sectors, whether there are conflicts between them, and how a conflict is solved if there is one. Hence, this study aims at understanding what caused the collaboration and how the two sectors has been interacting with each other in this case. Based on case study method and qualitative content analysis, this study adopts the framework of public-private partnership from Ansell and Gash (2008) to analyze the interaction among the stakeholders. Interviews are done with 13 key people including representatives from both public and private sectors, as well as local council members and scholars. The results reveal that the collaboration was driven out of a win-win situation. Under legal basis, the partnership was maintained through coordination by the role of a facilitator, from which trust between the two sectors was gradually built and small wins were reached. This study finally concludes people and laws as the two crucial factors influencing the collaboration in a public-private partnership, as the role of facilitor, agreements with local business in terms of conflicts of interest and whether the work is supported by law are all affecting the smoothness of the collaboration. With the above findings, the researcher hopes this study can be an example to give some lessons to other cases of public-private partnerships in the future.公私協力整建營運移轉案轉型閒置空間遊艇碼頭Public-Private PartnershipRehabilitate-Operate-TransferTransitionVacant SpaceYacht Marina以公私協力觀點探討閒置空間之轉型-以澎湖縣第一漁港遊艇泊區整建營運移轉案為例Investigating the process of vacant space regeneration from the perspective of Public- Private Partnerships: An example of the ROT Project of the Yacht Basin at Fishing Port No. 1 in Penghu County