徐美Hsu, Mei江玫芳Chiang, Mei-Fang2019-09-032018-12-312019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0105590181%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94977在二十一世紀已跨入知識經濟的時代,知識經濟的重要基礎之一為人力資本,從human capital的理論切入,員工已被認視為公司的資本而非成本,而影響組織績效的主要決定因素為人力資本的累積。多位學者及人力管理顧問公司經過多年探討的結果都顯示出,高敬業度的員工將會有更好的工作表現並未公司帶來業績及願意留任於公司。在企業裡,若員工對於公司的價值觀高度認同,將會自發性地由內心認同公司的願景,依照公司的價值觀所設立的營業流程和管理方式達到目標,並願意自發性地投入工作中,發揮自我價值。企業的人力資源部管理辦法是希望激勵員工對工作投入的意願提昇,展現出工作效能,以達到公司的績效,提高員工留任意願,這項議題是現在企業中,人力資源部門最為關切的組織議題。 本研究採用一間外商壽險台灣分公司300多位內勤員工的敬業度報告,以企業管理角度分析員工的敬業度、留任率與公司績效。首先,以文獻探討員工敬業度的定義,再分析個案公司所採用的蓋洛普Q12員工敬業度報告結果。其次,探討公司在任用本國籍總經理與外國籍總經理時,內勤員工之敬業度、留任率與公司績效之差異。最後,根據資料顯示,員工敬業度的提昇與留任率及公司績效存在著正向的關係。本研究根據實證結果,提出實務上的意涵以及對後續研究之建議,期望有助於個案公司在「提昇內勤員工敬業度」上之推動。We’re now entering the era of Knowledge Economy in the 21st century and one of the important foundations of knowledge economy is human capital. From the perspective of human capital, employees are regarded as the capital of the company rather than cost and the main determinant of organizational performance is the development of human capital. After years of research, scholars and human resources consultants have found that higher employee engagement can lead to higher performance and retention. In a company where the employment engagement is high, employees tend to believe in and identify themselves more with company's core values and are fully committed to company’s vision and achieving company goals. While human resources personnel are exploring methods to achieve organization effectiveness and employee retention, one of the most discussed topics is whether employees’ commitment can be directly linked with productivity. My research is based on more than 300 back-end office staff engagement reports from a foreign-owned life insurance company in Taiwan. It analyzed the employee engagement, retention rate and company performance from the business perspective in 2 steps: firstly by studying Western and Eastern scholars’ theories on their definition and concept of employee engagement and secondly by analyzing the case company Gallup Q12 employee engagement report in order to compare the differences of employee engagement, retention rate and corporate performance between the local and non-local general management. In addition, with the onboarding of local general manager, will the HR policies enhance employee engagement, retention rate and corporate performance. According to recent research data, improving employee engagement will have a significant positive impact on retention rate and corporate performance. Based on the empirical results, this study proposes both theoretical and practical implications and recommendations for follow-up studies, and expects the recommendations and conclusions of this study to help the case company to promote "employee engagement".人力資本人力資源管理效能工作投入意願工作績效敬業Human capitalHuman resource management efficiencyJob involvementJob performanceJob engagement以企業管理角度分析外商壽險業之內勤員工敬業度、離職率與公司績效Analysis on Employee Engagement, Retention and Performance: A case study of foreign-owned life insurance company