林仁傑李品陞2020-12-102017-07-032020-12-102017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0001603110%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114331近年來媒體娛樂的推波助瀾,魔幻類的藝文題材受到大眾的熱愛與注目。其中不乏取材於古典小說改編的影視作品和繪畫創作品,而且這類作品通常都充滿豐富的想像力。想像力是藝術創作表現重要的一環。以往偏向神話的想像,題材大多來自宗教故事與神秘的傳說。研究者因受文化環境的影響,自幼對神佛感到敬畏,同時也對神仙擁有的超能力感到好奇,因此透過研究神仙的神奇法力的視覺傳達方式,從事本項繪畫創作研究。 本創作研究目的,期望經由神話的內容、文詞,理解古人想像出的奇幻場域與暗示。藉由文獻的探討的分析,從中了解神通法術誇飾的形式,以及其對文明發展、美學所呈現的正向思維。創作研究的方法係透過神話故事彙集符合創作題材的情節,並於文章中擷取具有幻想意涵的詞彙,將其導入創作主軸,著重氣氛、造型的營造與敘事性。整個創作研究歷程,由筆者以往繪製圖書插畫與卡通的經驗,以及對於情境式繪畫的熟悉、玄學的鑽研,融入區域民族性。筆者以中式風格為基調,使用水彩與丙烯媒材製造神秘魔幻的視覺效果。 透過創作的經驗與自我評估,魔幻式議題創作背後包藏著作者暗示的意圖,藉由虛幻美學包裝來突顯現代人壓抑或逃避的心情。魔幻神通創作的內容,讓目眩的法術呈現出精緻、華麗的視覺效果。創作的過程尋求內心真實感受,並尋求新的發展方向。本創作研究,歷經長期的創作準備、構思,確立創作題材和創作實踐。最後完成創作理念的撰寫與創作成果的展示,並提出結論與未來的創作發展願景。For the media entertainment advocates, the genres of art and literature about magic are popular with the public in recent years. Some of the materials was obtained from the movies, television and art works which were adapted from the classic fictions. These kinds of works are usually full of plentiful imagination. And imagination is the important segment to the representation of art creation. Formerly most of the genres of the imagination about myth were adapted from the religion stories and mysterious legends. Being influenced by the culture and circumstances, the researcher revered the Buddha and gods from childhood and felt curious about the supernatural power of the gods. Thus, the researcher tried to convey visual transferring ways through the superpower of the gods to carry out the painting creation. In this aim of the study, the researcher hoped to recognize the fantasy field and implication of the ancients' imagination through the contents and texts. The document analysis was based on the exaggerative ways of the supernatural power and positive thoughts of the cultural development and esthetics presentation. The research method was accorded to the plot of the fairy tales which fitted the painting creation. The researcher obtained those fantastic phrases from texts and appointed into the main part of the painting creation so that the atmosphere, the composition, and narration of the art work could be emphasized. The whole study process of the research was based on the researcher's drawing experience of illustration and cartoons. Besides, the researcher was familiar with the circumstanced painting, and study metaphysics intensively so that the researcher would integrate regional ethnicity in the painting creation. Moreover, the researcher adopted the Chinese style as the foundation to present watercolor and propylene paintings in order to construct the vision effect of mysterious magic. Linking through the experience of the art creation and the self-evaluation, the basic theme of magic painting creation contained the researcher's suggestion by packing the fantastic esthetics theories to reveal the emotion of depressed aspiration or escape of modern. Furthermore, the contents of magic and supernatural power would made dazzled magic show refined and gorgeous vision power. During the process of the research, the researcher tried to find the feeling of person's emotion content and the way of new development of painting creation. This research took the researcher a long period of time to prepare, meditate, and decide the subject matter to practice the painting creation. Through the detailed records of creative idea and the exhibition of painting creation, may it be brought up the conclusion and given the further creation of visual works.魔幻神話超能力神通magicmythsupernatural powersuperpower《魔幻神通》李品陞水彩畫創作研究The Story of Magic and Supernatural Power the Research of Li Pin Sheng's Watercolor Painting Creation