國立臺灣師範大學大眾傳播研究所 陳炳宏2014-10-302014-10-302009/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/33459在寬頻化與數位化的科技發展影響下,全球媒體產業正走向匯流與解管制趨勢,不 過研究指出,媒體產權管制的放鬆將導致產權集中,進而強化媒體集團的影響力,其中 最受矚目的影響是媒體集團對意見自由市場的操控,導致媒體多元的消逝,致使民主政 治所仰賴的新聞自由流通與多元資訊管道的發展基礎陷入危機中,以及外資產權對在地 文化與國家主權挑戰等,因此媒體產權議題隨著媒體產業發展趨勢而更形重要。 首先,本研究第一年將搜集、分析,與比較世界重要國家或地區(包括美國、英國, 以及歐盟),其媒體產權之政策與法規,包括產權集中規範、跨媒體產權,以及媒體外 資產權的相關規範等,以作為分析與建構台灣媒體產權規範政策與法規的重要參考資 料。接著,本研究第二年計畫蒐集台灣電視媒體市場與官方登記資料,解構電視媒體(包 括無線電視、有線電視、衛星電視等)股權結構及跨媒體產權關係,特別是開放外資持 股後,解析外資在台投資電視媒體之具體圖像,試圖建立台灣電視媒體產業產權關係 圖;其次,本研究將採用專家學者德惠法,結合各界意見與研究成果,提出具體建議, 提供給政府做為規範(跨)媒體產權以及制訂外資規範的政策參考。最後,本研究第三 年將產權研究層次由結構面向轉至組織面向,從管理與基層員工的角度,針對被外資併 購的媒體企業(以有線電視系統為對象),了解其產權轉換後,本地與外資經營團隊兩 者在企業經營管理(包括經營理念、內容產製,以及工作滿意度等面向)的差異與影響, 期能建構媒體產權研究的全觀性價值。Following the world-wide inevitable trend of digitalization and media convergence occurred in the 21st century, media researchers conclude that concerns on media ownership, especially ownership concentration, cross-media ownership and foreign ownership, need to be reconsidered. In the first year of this study, the research project is about to analyze media ownership policies and regulations of major countries or areas, including the Great Britain, the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA). Moreover, Taiwan’s regulations will be analyzed as well for the comparison of related regulations among these four countries or areas. In the second year, this project is about to investigate shareholders of Taiwan’sterrestrial televisions, cable systems and satellite television channels, as well as reveal foreign ownership of these media businesses. Then this study will employ the Delphi method to conclude media ownership findings with the hope for the government to enact suitable media ownership regulations of Taiwan. In addition to the structural level of media ownership analysis shown as above, this study will finally aim at the organizational level of analysis in the third year to reveal influences of ownership switch-over from domestic to foreign owners on cable television systems in terms of management strategies, content production and job satisfaction.媒體產權跨媒體產權外資產權媒體產權規範媒體經營管理media ownershipcross-media ownershipforeign ownershipmedia policy andregulationsmedia management台灣電視媒體產權及其規範之研究---媒體產權集中、跨媒體產權,與外資產權之政策規範分析Regulating on Media Ownership, Cross-Media Ownership and Foreign Ownership of Taiwan's Television Industry