王麗斐Wang, Li-Fei何佩儒Ho, Pei-Ju2019-08-282017-08-022019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003012112%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90421本研究旨在探討國中小專任輔導教師參與「雙元情緒調節(DER)小團體輔導方案」研究計畫之經驗,邀請四位參與研究計畫之專任輔導教師進行半結構訪談,並以「類別-內容」之敘事分析方法進行跨個案分析,來呈現研究參與者參與計畫後之轉變及因應策略之調整。 提出研究結果如下: 一、學校系統中的困境與調整 國中小專輔共同面臨著「導師不理解」、國小專輔更須面對「行政不支持」的困境,且自覺缺乏團體實務與督導經驗。經歷DER培訓後,專輔教師透過學習轉化能夠調整自己在學校系統中遇到的系統矛盾,DER的轉化學習經驗能夠使專輔能夠接受漸進的成長,覺察周遭系統中人物的微小進步,並在遇到困境時能夠跳脫自責、堅定自己的方向,更勇於行動。 而持續的評估輔導效能與系統現狀更是生態合作中不可或缺的,專輔透過評估得以邀請導師進入合作關係,在對話與評估的過程中與導師形成合作共識,完成合作。更在系統合作歷程中互相理解與欣賞,突破過去對彼此的迷思和視角。 二、知覺系統調整的DER團督學習要素 研究發現DER團督之學習要素包含六項主題:(一)在接納的環境中突破自己,(二)透過理論與實務的練習和督導,提升團體輔導帶領技巧,(三)在重複且加深加廣DER架構之下,能累積並發展自己的團輔特色,(四)基本心理需求滿足以提升自我效能,(五)從督導和夥伴身上看到「示範」,(六)立即性的回饋提升團體凝聚力並形成跨校資源網絡。 三、DER團督對參與者的意義與價值 DER研究計畫之經歷使參與者能夠對於自己的專輔角色重新省思,於系統中重新調整定位,並將團督所學習之理論用於自己以改變周邊之生態系統之重要他人;而DER團督的存在更是專輔專業輔導工作當中能夠讓自己更穩健踏實的前進力量。The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of school counselors of junior high school and elementary school participating in the training program of "Dual Emotional Regulation (DER)” study. Four school counselors participating in the training program were invited to conduct semi-structured interviews and the data was analyzed by categorical-content model to cross-case significant topics to present the change of participants‘ adjustments of their strategies. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Predicament and adjustment in school system The study found that school counselors of junior high school and elementary school faced with the dilemma of “not be understood by guide teachers ", and the school counselors of elementary school are also faced with the dilemma of "not be supported by school administrative system” They are eager to be supervised because of consciously lack of group practice and supervision experience. After DER training, the school counselors can adjust their system contradictions in the school system. Learning experience in DER group supervision make school counselors accept gradual growth, to perceive the small progress in the surrounding system, and escape their self-blame, to be firm in his own direction, and to act more bravely when confronted with difficulties. The on-going assessment of counseling effectiveness and system is essential in the ecological cooperation. Through the assessment, school counselors can invite guidance teachers to enter into cooperation, and to form a consensus of cooperation in the process of dialogue and assessment. In the process of systematic cooperation, school counselors and guide teachers break through each other's myths and perspective. 2.The relevant factors that influence of adjustment after DER group supervision The study found that the learning elements of DER group supervision included six themes: (1) to break through in a receptive environment; (2) to enhance the guidance and leadership skills of the group through theoretical and practical exercises and supervision; (3) can accumulate and develop their own group characteristics in the repeated and deepened DER architecture;(4) Basic psychological needs to meet to enhance self-efficacy; (5) to see demonstration from the supervision and partners , (6) immediate feedback to enhance the group cohesion and become a cross-school resource network. 3. The significance and value of DER Group supervision to participants The experience of the training program of DER study enables participants to rethink their own role as a reposition in the system, and use the theory of Learning in the Group supervision to change the important people of the surrounding ecosystem. The training program of DER study make school counselors more stable and forward.專任輔導教師團體督導生態合作ecological cooperationgroup supervisionschool counselors專任輔導教師的綠野仙蹤:參與雙元情緒調節研究訓練方案之經驗探究The Wizard of Oz of School Counselors: Participating in the Training Program of Dual Emotional Regulation Study