劉嘉茹侯依伶Chia-Ju LiuI-LinHou2022-05-162022-05-162011-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/115854本研究以板塊構造運動概念為例探討不同先備知識的個體在理解科學圖形過程中眼球運動的差異情形。本研究使用繪圖測驗及回溯性放聲思考法來了解受試者的先備知識,及閱讀科學圖形後板塊運動概念的進步情形,並以眼動追蹤儀器來收集受試者在閱讀科學圖形時眼球運動的型態。研究對象為36 位自願參加的國立大學理學院學生。研究結果顯示不同先備知識程度的受試者在觀看科學圖形時,對不同關鍵區的注意力分布、認知處理時間以及個體的觀看策略都不相同。其中高先備知識的受試者比低先備知識的受試者使用在文字區的認知處理時間更多,也更傾向從文字區獲取圖形的訊息,而高先備知識的受試者也比低先備知識的受試者更企圖從文字與文字的對應以及文字和板塊圖形的連結中獲得對圖形的理解。研究結果也顯示受試者是否從教學圖片中獲得充分的資訊來調整自身的板塊構造運動概念,與其在閱讀教學圖片過程中眼球運動的凝視位置分布有關。According to Eye-Mind theory, eye movement has been considered an indicator of attention and thinking. The objective of this research is to explore the difference of prior knowledge on eye moment while participant understanding in scientific diagrams by Plate tectonics for example. Thirty-six participants were voluntary university students who majored in science. A drawing test was conducted to the participants as well as an eye tracking test was conducted while participant understanding scientific diagrams, At last, Retrospective Think Aloud was used to realize prior knowledge of participants and the progress after understanding scientific diagrams. The data showed that (a) Higher prior knowledge group paid more attention on textual representation rather than Lower prior knowledge group, and more tended to get information of diagrams through textual representation. (b) Higher prior knowledge group had an attempt on understanding scientific diagrams through mapping textual representation and textual representation, textual representation and Plate tectonics diagrams. (c)The participant obtained sufficient information to adjust Plate tectonics concepts by himself or not was related to fixation position.先備知識眼動追蹤技術圖形理解diagrams understandingeye trackingprior knowledge以眼動追蹤技術探討先備知識對科學圖形理解的影響Explore the Influence of PriorKnowledge on Understanding in Scientific Diagrams through Eye Tracking