黃怡誠彭智賢Alan Peng2019-08-292006-7-52019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692080086%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92876功能點分析法是運用於量化軟體系統所提供給使用者功能性之技術,量化所得之未調整功能點除了可以讓估算者瞭解整體系統之規模大小外,也可運用於預估軟體開發所需時程及工作量依據,為了能夠在系統開發早期對所需時程、成本及資源能預先規劃,因此運用開發早期之設計規格圖示自動化估算未調整功能點之有助於預先規劃之效率。若各個自動化估算系統若未依照一定之標準進行度量,則潛藏著對於相同設計規格圖示,不同自動化系統而有不同之估算結果。本研究以IFPUG CPM 4.2.1版之標準為依據,以Borland Delphi 7實作一未調整功能點估算系統,透過實體關係圖(Entity Relationship diagram)與資料流程圖(Data Flow Diagrm)所整合之設計規格圖示(稱為ER-DFD)進行未調整功能點估算要項之呈現,本研究並依據此設計規格轉化為XML檔案並進行軟體規模度量,將產出結果與專家以及另一實作系統三者進行比較,並分析人為、不同實作系統所估算之未調整功能點不一致之來源,也將此不一致之來源列入本系統實作考量之依據。以期能夠達到不同自動化系統於同一ER-DFD設計規格圖示估算未調整功能點之產出結果能夠達到一致。Function point is a methodology for quantifying functionality provided to user.Once completed,the function point size of an application can give a quick estimate of how large the overall application deliverable will be.The use of function points is commonly incorporated into a developed schedule and effort estimation from early phase of software development.Consequently, count function point automatically from design specification will increase efficiency for effort and schedule estimation.A problem arises,however,without following IFPUG standard identification rules. Difference may occur when the same design specification measured by two different programs.In this paper we propose detailed function point analysis measurement rules from Entity Relationship diagram plus Data Flow Diagram(ER-DFD) and present a function-point measurement tool , whose input is an XML file translated from ER-DFD.Then in this paper we apply the tool to a number of applications in terms of ER-DFD and report the result obtained.We analyze the result inconsistency among our tool ,human FP counter and another automation tool counter. With this analysis we hope it can reduce the source of inconsistency among different FP counting tools.功能點分析法實體關係圖資料流程圖Function PointER DiagramDFD基於XML之ER-DFD自動化功能點分析系統之設計與實作A Research and Implementation of a system for Measuring Function Points from an ER-DFD based on XML