國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系黃秀媚 李景美 陳政友 陳清煌 2014-12-022014-12-022011-12-011561-8137http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/40097以計劃行為理論為基礎,本研究研究目的為了解國中生假日採行休閒身體活動的行為態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制對於假日採行休閒身體活動的現況與行為意圖影響。以自陳量表測量國中生行為態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制對假日參與休閒身體活動的行為意圖。樣本以臺北市士林區市立國中學生為研究母群,經分層叢集抽樣,計選出四所國中為樣本學校,並由該校七、八、九年級學生填寫問卷,問卷總發份數為681份,有效問卷為573份,有效作答率為84.14%。研究結果為研究對象男生有286位(49.9%),女生有276人(48.2%)。行為態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制與行為意圖皆呈正相關,在假日採行休閒身體活動意圖上屬較弱的傾向。於多元迴歸分析中發現,行為態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制對假日採行休閒身體活動的一個月行為意圖變異解釋量為36.8%。依多元迴歸分析結果,影響強弱依序為知覺行為控制、行為態度、主觀規範。本研究建議分為理論應用與實務規劃兩部份,理論包含身體活動的客觀測量、環境限制等,實務部分包含青少年加強休閒教育、強化情感聯結。Based on the theory of the planned behavior, this study investigated the effect of the attitude toward behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control of leisure-time physical activities on the present status and behavioral intention of leisure-time physical activities of junior high school students. The self-reported questionnaire was applied to measure the effect of attitude toward behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intention to participate in leisure-time physical activities. The population was students of Taipei municipal junior high schools in Shilin District. After stratified cluster sampling, four schools were selected as the sampling schools, and the seventh to the ninth graders of these schools were the respondents. The total of 681 questionnaire were distributed, 573 were valid, with a valid response rate of 84.14%. The samples included 286 boys (49.9%) and 276 girls (48.2%). The study results showed that attitude toward behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control were positively correlated with behavioral intention of leisure-time physical activities, but their effect on the behavioral intention was weak. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control on leisure-time physical activities on holidays could explain 36.8% of the variance of one-month behavioral intention. Based on the results of the multiple regression analysis, the strength of effect in descending order was perceived behavioral control, attitude toward behavior, and subjective norm. The suggestion includes theory application and practice planning. The theory application includes the objective measurement of physical activities and environmental control, and the practice planning includes the reinforcement of teenager leisure education and affection bond.國中學生 休閒身體活動 行為意圖 計畫行為論Junior high school students�eisure-time physical activity�Behavioral intention�heory of planned behavior臺北市士林區國中生假日採行休閒身體活動行為意圖及影響因素之探討The Behavioral Intention and Factors Affecting Leisure-time Physical Activities on the Holidays of Junior High School Students in Shilin District of Taipei City�