陳曉雰董安琪Dong, An-Qi2019-09-062019-01-312019-09-062017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060390044M%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108268本研究旨在探討臺灣師範大學與南京師範大學音樂系二至四年級師資培育生之教學信念,在了解兩校音樂師培課程概況後,實施教學信念之問卷調查,包含教學目標、教學方式、教學評量以及教室管理四個層面。共發放275份問卷,回收有效問卷239份(87%)。研究結果如下: 一、兩校音樂系師培課程皆包括普通課程、教育專業課程以及音樂專門課程三個類別。 二、兩校音樂系在教育專業課程之開課科目與數量有差異。臺師大教育專業課程提供師培生之選擇較多;南師大教育專業課程僅有五門必修課程,未開設選修課程。 三、兩校音樂系師培生之整體教學信念均呈正向積極之認同度。在教學目標與教學評量兩層面,皆認同音樂美感教育對音樂教學的重要,但對「創作」融入音樂教學的教學信念認同度較低;在教學方式層面,皆對「學習情境」教學方式之認同度較高;在教室管理層面,皆對「學生輔導與管教」的認同度較高。 四、兩校音樂系師培生在背景變項——性別、年級、主修以及主修學習年數之教學信念並無顯著差異。 最後,本研究根據研究結果對音樂師培生、師培相關單位以及未來研究提出建議。 關鍵詞:教學信念、音樂系師培生、音樂師資培育、臺灣師範大學、南京師範大學This study aims to investigate the music teaching beliefs of sophomore to senior level pre-service teachers at both National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and Nanjing Normal University (NJNU). An overview of the curriculums at two universities was provided, followed by a questionnaire of surveying teaching beliefs. The questionnaire includes aspects in teaching objectives, teaching methods, teaching assessments and classroom management. A total of 275 questionnaires were distributed and 239 questionnaires were collected for a valid response rate of 87%. The key results of the study are as follows: 1. The music teaching training courses of the two universities’ music departments were divided into three categories: general courses, education courses, and music courses. 2. The number of education courses offered by the two universities varied. NTNU offered more education courses for students to choose from; NJNU, meanwhile, only offered five compulsory education courses and no elective courses. 3. The overall teaching beliefs of the two universities have received equally positive affirmation. In the aspects of teaching objectives and teaching assessments, both recognized the importance of aesthetic education in music teaching; however, neither was seen as having positive beliefs toward integrating ‘music creation’ into their teaching. In the aspect of teaching methods, both recognized the ‘learning situation’ teaching belief. In the aspect of classroom management, both recognized the ‘student counseling and management’ teaching belief. 4. There were no significant differences in the teaching beliefs of pre-service teachers in the two universities across different genders, years, majors, and year of study. In conclusion, based on the results, this study provides suggestions for pre-service music teachers, related teacher training institutions, and future research. Keywords: teaching beliefs, pre-service music teachers, music teacher education, NTNU, NJNU教學信念音樂系師培生音樂師資培育臺灣師範大學南京師範大學teaching beliefspre-service music teachersmusic teacher educationNTNUNJNU兩岸音樂系師培生教學信念之研究 —以兩所師範大學為例A Study of the Teaching Beliefs of Pre-service Music teachers-An Example of Two Cross-strait Normal Universities