吳舜文Wu, Shunwen王郁菁Wang, Yu-Ching2019-09-062014-8-272019-09-062009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695610117%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108660本研究透過自編「整合性音樂素養教學方案」,以台北縣永和市某國小附設幼稚園彩虹班廿七位學生為研究樣本,探討整合性音樂素養教學運用於幼兒音樂學習之成效,研究具體結論如下: 壹、幼兒在「音樂描述」層面中,全班表現良好,進步情形不明顯且 同儕間無明顯差異。 貳、幼兒在「實作」層面中,全班表現優異,進步情形明顯但同儕間 無明顯差異。 參、幼兒在「創作」層面中,全班表現尚稱良好,進步情形不明顯且 同儕間無差異。 肆、幼兒在「學習態度」層面中,全班表現非常優異,進步情形明顯 但同儕間無明顯差異。 伍、幼兒在各教學主題中,全班表現優異,進步情形明顯但同儕間無 差異。 整體而言,透過整合性音樂素養教學活動,可看出幼兒在實作、學習態度兩層面中學習成效最為顯著,其次為音樂描述層面;至於創作層面表現雖屬優異,但平均分數較其他層面略低,有較多學生未達優異程度,此可能與幼兒較多以模仿方式學習,在創作部分較不容易有立即表現之故。研究者並根據研究結論提出建議,以作為幼教音樂老師及未來相關研究的參考。Abstract The study was to discuss the musical learning effects of Comprehensive Musicianship Approach in preschool children by using Comprehensive Musicianship Program in real teaching in Affiliated Kindergarten of an elementary school in Yong-He City, Taipei County. The researcher took twenty seven students of Rainbow Class as samples and the results of the study were presented as following: First, in “Descriptive” dimension, children in the class performed perfectly, making little progress and having no distinct differences each other. Second, in “Performing” dimension, children in the class performed excellently, making conspicuous progress but having no distinct differences each other. Third, in “Creative” dimension, children in the class performed well, making little progress and having no distinct differences each other. Fourth, in “Attitude” dimension, children in the class performed superbly, making conspicuous progress but having no differences each other. Fifth, in each teaching subject, children in the class performed excellently, making conspicuous progress but having no differences each other. Generally, we could tell that learning effectiveness was most significant in performing and attitude dimensions through Comprehensive Musicianship Approach, and the descriptive dimension secondly. The creative dimension, though remarkable, was averaging lower than others. More students failed in being excellent. It was likely that children usually learned by imitating, which would hardly be creative. This researcher proposed suggestions based on the conclusions to be the reference to preschool music teachers and the future studies. Keywords: Comprehensive Musicianship, Preschoolers’ music learning整合性音樂素養教學學齡前兒童Comprehensive MusicianshipPreschoolers' music learning「整合性音樂素養教學」運用於學齡前兒童音樂學習成效之研究A study on the learning effectiveness of applying the Comprehensive Musicianship Approach topreschoolers' music lessons