伊彬劉薰禧2019-09-052008-6-222019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694630158%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103396本研究目的在於研究、比較、了解臺灣70、80、90年代本土言情小說封面插畫的圖像特徵;分析臺灣本土90年代言情小說封面插畫主題、風格、圖像元素;應用分析插畫作品所得結論於個人創作言情小說封面插畫作中。研究方法採用到圖像分析法、檔案資料分析兩部份,首先了解台灣本土言情小說出版簡史,再針對言情小說封面插畫內的圖像風格加以研究;在圖像分析法中以有系統的蒐集70、80、90年代,台灣本土言情小說封面插畫的圖像資料,分析出言情小說的4類風格(俏麗型、氣質型、美艷型、憂鬱型)。並評鑑與分析其中差異與年代特色,從早期的手繪圖稿到目前的電腦繪圖之演變,進而有助於解釋現況以及預測未來台灣本土言情小說封面插畫可能發展的趨勢,最後依本研究結論創作言情小說封面插畫作品,實際印證本研究結果。研究結果發現台灣本土90年代言情小說封面插畫之圖像特徵與風格類型等具體特色進而將之運用再作品上;研究創作部份,將分析出言情小說的4類風格(俏麗型、氣質型、美艷型、憂鬱型)融入研究者個人創作作品中,除平面作品展示外,亦發展出一組12張的套卡與29本研究創作者個人所虛擬之言情小說,呈現創作的整體性。The purpose of this research is to investigate, compare, and understand the illustration characteristics of covers of the domestic romances. The subjects, styles, and elements of form were analyzed. The conclusions of the analysis were applied to researcher’s own creation of romance cover. The method included both picture and archive analysis. That is firstly to understand the history of publication of domestic romance, and secondly to analyze the style of illustration. In the first part, the cover illustrations published in 1980’, 1990’, and 2000’were systematically collected. The samples were evaluated and analyzed from the aspect of characteristics of each decade. Four types of styles, “pretty type”, “femininity type”, “charming type”, and “melancholy type”, were found. The results show the changes from “hand made” to computer graphic. It is helpful to understand the current condition and the tendency of illustrations of romance cover in Taiwan. Eventually, the researcher adopted some principles from the above and added own original ideas to create and design 29 romance covers. Additionally, ten 65 x 150 cm posters and a set of 12 illustration cards were designed to promote them in the exhibition and to present the researcher’s concepts.電腦繪圖言情小說封面插畫The computer paintsromantic novel cover illustration臺灣本土90年代言情小說封面插畫之探究與創作am Analysis and Creation the Illustration of Domestic Romance Cover in Taiwan from 1980 to 2000