簡瑛瑛Chien, Ying-Ying柯珏如KE, CHUEH-JU2019-08-282019-06-052019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060080044I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85287本論文試圖從木蘭的故事流變,分析木蘭故事的變形,了解不同時代之木蘭故事的發展狀況。並藉由東方曜新穎數位國際發行的動畫《花木蘭傳奇》與西方迪士尼製作的動畫《木蘭》(Mulan);美國第二代移民華裔女作家湯亭亭所著的小說《女勇士》(The Woman Warrior)與蔡柏璋所寫的音樂劇劇本《木蘭少女》,比較東、西方不同載體之文本,於情節架構、文化、木蘭形象上作分析,探討木蘭在跨時代、跨文化中的形象差異。由於最初木蘭的故事只是一段被民間廣為流傳的傳說,在正式的史藉中並沒有記載,而民間最早記錄有關木蘭故事的〈木蘭辭〉,也因為流傳甚久,使得作者已不可考,甚至歷史上對木蘭是否真有其人都有爭議。這樣的特性,留給後代讀者及演繹者很大的發揮空間,並讓許多後世針對木蘭故事做了很多不同載體之文本的改編。 雖然木蘭的故事被許多人所知悉,但不同的個體卻有其自我見解與詮釋方式,加上不同時代的風俗民情與文化差別,使得在基本的故事架構下,隨之改編而成的戲劇、電影、小說等塑造著不同形象的木蘭。本文以《花木蘭傳奇》與《木蘭》(Mulan)先分析文化差異下的故事內容,探討這兩部動畫中的東方色彩,以及不同於傳統木蘭的形象表現。再來以《女勇士》(The Woman Warrior)討論在跨文化與跨世代下,華人女性於移民角色地位的轉變,及變異的木蘭故事所代表之義涵;另外,隨著時代開放,《木蘭少女》除了添加許多時代語句外,也將性向議題納入劇中使之成為題材。本論文藉由探討上述之文本,以比較文學、移民研究論述、性別研究與酷兒理論來分析不同載體之木蘭故事,以及在文化與時代轉換下的木蘭形象變化。The animation The Legend of Mulan published by YSY digital entertainment firm, the animation Mulan produced by Walt Disney, the novel The Woman Warrior written by Maxine Hong, Kingston and the musical play Mulan (《木蘭少女》) written by Pao-Chang Tasi are the research targets of this thesis. The thesis sorts out the evolution of the Mulan stories to analyze their transformation and to understand their development in different eras. The thesis also compares different types of Mulan stories in terms of their plot architecture, culture, and the image of Mulan to discuss the differences of Mulan’s cross-culture and cross-generation images. Mulan is a well-known folk story without official written record in the history, so the existence of Mulan is still in debate. However, this allows readers and adapters to interpret the story with their own annotations. Although people are familiar with the legend of Mulan, every individual can have his or her own interpretation of the story. The image of Mulan has been depicted differently in dramas, movies and novels due to the differences in cultures, customs, and the eras they were filmed or written. This thesis discusses the similarities and differences between The Legend of Mulan and Mulan in terms of how cultural differences affect the contents of the story at different times. The images of Mulan depicted in these two films are compared with the traditional image of Mulan, so it also explores how the ideology of Chinese women has transformed over time under the influence of western culture and its possible causes in The Woman Warrior. Another focus of this thesis is on the gender identity gay issues included into Mulan (《木蘭少女》). Overall, this thesis analyzes The Legend of Mulan, Mulan, The Woman Warrior and Mulan (《木蘭少女》). Looking from the perspectives of comparative literature, migration research, gender studies and queer theory, the present research gradually reveals the hidden messages encrypted in the aforementioned four Mulan stories and the image of Mulan’s cross-culture and cross-gender transformation.花木蘭中國傳統女性華人移民華美女性跨文化酷兒性別越界Mulantraditional Chinese womenChinese immigrantsChinese American womenculture crossingstudy of queergender crossing華人傳奇女子形象探討─花木蘭的跨文化與性別越界變形A Study of the Image of Legendary Chinese Woman: Hua Mulan’s Cross-Cultural and Cross-Gender Transformation