林聖欽Sheng-Chin Lin2019-08-122019-08-122017-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82595過去在分析不同政權對地名命名的影響,研究對象大多集中在都市,並以街道名稱作為分析主軸,本文則是以頭份與三灣的鄉鎮層級空間尺度,來探討日本時代與戰後不同政權對地名命名的影響,其結果至少有三:一是臺灣政治意識形態地名的發展,具有一種中心性的特色:就臺灣尺度,日本時代基層社會一開始出現政治意識形態地名,是先發生在都市層級,直到戰後才擴散到鄉鎮層級;而在縣市尺度,基層社會出現政治意識形態的村里名與街道名,也是先出現在鎮級,之後才擴散到鄉級;最後在鄉鎮尺度,戰後出現政治意識形態的村里名與街道名,同樣是先集中在行政中心與人口集中的街區,爾後再隨都市化過程漸漸往外擴散。二是日本時代與戰後的官方,往往都是在新制度建立,需要對地區重新命名時,就容易出現政治意識形態的地名。其中戰後以地名作為政治教化的目的,在民國58 年以後逐漸減弱,造成此情況的原因或許有兩個,一是政治意涵用語尚透過其他媒介融入到居民生活日常一部分,已不需倚賴地名作為教化的工具,二是都市化導致街道數量大增,也沒有足夠的政治意識形態用語可作為地名的命名。三是日本時代地土地調查事業,導致地名數量大幅減少,其實這對地名文化的傳承帶來一些限制;而戰後民國58 年住址系統的小地名制度,則是導致地名數量大幅增加,相對地對地名文化的傳承帶來不少助益。只不過隨著都市化的影響,這些小地名有不少被整編為街道名,這對地名的文化傳承,無疑地又是一次重大的衝擊。這也突顯未來街道的命名,更應該考量如何將在地的地名文化傳承下去。This paper focuses on the influence of the Japanese and the postwar regime on the naming of places at the township level. The result is at least three: First, the development of political ideology of the place names in Taiwan with central characteristics. On the Taiwan scale, the first emergence of political ideology of place names in civil society occurs at the urban level in the Japanese period, and then after the postwar period spreads to the township level. On the county scale, the first emergence of political ideology of street names and village names in civil society occurs at the big township level, and then spread to the small township level. On the township scale, the first emergence of political ideology of street names and village names in civil society occurs at the street region level, and then spread to the village region level. Second, with the Japanese and the post-war official need to rename the region in the establishment of the new system, the political ideology of place names will be appeared. Perhaps because of other media and urbanization factors, the political and educational purpose through place names gradually diminished after 1969 in the post-war period. Third, land survey in the Japanese period restricted the cultural heritage of place names, and the small names institution of address system in 1969 of the post-war period helped the cultural heritage of place names. But with the impact of urbanization, these small names have been changed as a street name, which undoubtedly have a huge impact on the cultural heritage of place names.日本時代戰後政治意識形態地名苗栗Japanese periodPose-war periodPolitical ideologyPlace nameMiaoli日本時代到戰後官方政治意識形態對臺灣鄉鎮基層社會地名命名的影響:以苗栗縣頭份、三灣為例The Influence of Official Political Ideology on the Place Names of the Taiwan's Civil Society from the Japanese to the postwar period: A Case Study of Toufen and Sanwan Township, Miaoli County