廖仁義徐堯琦Hsu, Yao-Chi2020-12-102017-01-052020-12-102017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003603302%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114393我國自1994年提出「社區總體營造」一詞後,推行社區營造相關政策已二十餘年,2008年我國提出「新故鄉社區營造第二期計畫」,持續推動在地的藝文發展及特色產業的培育,「社區繪本」即為該計畫中之一項,目的在於鼓勵故事人才與在地藝術創意呈現,將社區文化特色向外推廣。 花蓮縣自2008年起,配合文化部社區營造新政策,每年提出本縣「新故鄉社區營造第二期計畫」,並制定「社區創意繪本故事計畫」推動縣內的社區繪本。花蓮縣內的社區繪本編輯形式以2013年(民國102年)為分水嶺,2013年以前由官方主導, 2013年起,則開放縣內有意願之社區申請提案及自行繪製,碧雲莊社區2013年出版之《阿嬤,請簽名》便是花蓮縣文化局第一本由社區自行繪製的社區繪本,具有帶頭的作用,在縣內及社區內均造成廣大迴響,故於2015年又接續推出第二本社區繪本《石頭開花》。 本研究旨在探討碧雲莊社區如何用社區繪本形塑社區認同與社區價值,以及碧雲莊社區繪本在人文與文化的效益,本研究以個案研究法、深度訪談法、參與觀察法作為研究方法,以文件摘要單、訪談大綱、參與觀察活動紀錄表作為研究工具,蒐集個案相關資料、針對繪本作者、顧問、社區居民及非社區居民等25人進行深度訪談,並透過參與觀察了解繪本延伸活動之參與狀況,以分析本研究結果。 本研究之研究結論與建議,希望能提供官方在社區繪本政策制定,及碧雲莊社區與有意願製作社區繪本之社區在進行社區繪本創作上實質的建議。Since the government of Taiwan brought up the idea of community building, it has been conducting policies on community building for more than twenty years. In 2008, the government kept promoting the development of local art, culture, and industries through a project named “New Hometown” Community Building Project. One of the points of the project is picture books. The aims of the project are (i) to encourage people to share their stories, (ii) to present their local artistic creativities, and (iii) spread their community culture to other places. To catch up with the pace of the project by the Ministry of Culture, in 2008, Hualien County carried out its “New Hometown” Community Building Project and enacted its Community Picture Books Project to promote its picture books. The editing form of picture books in Hualien County had a big change in 2013. Before 2013, the picture books were led by the county government. After 2013, the county government let its people to make their proposals and art works. The first picture book made by community people is “Grandma, Please Sign Your Name” which became the model of picture books and aroused people’s attention in the community. Therefore, the second picture book, “The Blossomed Stone,” came out in 2015. The study discusses how the Bi-Yun-Zhuang Community uses picture books to establish its community identity and community values and what cultural and humanity benefits the community gets. The study adopts a case study, in-depth interviews, and participant observation as its research methods and uses document abstracts, interview outlines, and participant observation records as research tools for collecting information about cases. Also, authors and consultants of the picture books, people living in the community and people from other places were in-depth interviewed. The conclusion of the study is from the analysis of the activities of the picture books during the participant observation. The conclusion of the study is to provide practical advice about how to enact policies on community picture books and how to make picture books for the government, Bi-Yun-Zhuang Community, and those who are willing to make picture books.社區營造社區繪本社區認同文化效益community constructionpicture bookscommunity identitycultural contribution社區繪本對於社區認同的文化效益—以花蓮市碧雲莊社區為例The Cultural Contribution of Picture Books to Community Identity:A Case Study of Bi-Yun-Zhuang Community in Hualien City.