周明林晏如2019-09-042018-7-232019-09-042013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699700415%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99241本研究目的在探討國內消費者對家具產品的消費偏好以及對產品意象的感覺認知,以瞭解目前國內市場的各消費族群分布定位,研究者先由文獻探討方式了解市場區隔理論,由消費市場上存在不同的消費族群為基礎概念,進一步探討家具消費者的族群分布、各消費族群是否分別擁有不同的消費偏好。 研究者就相關文獻中歸納適當的家具風格分類方式,將家具產品分為六大風格:北歐風格、現代風格、美式風格、中式風格、在地風格、歐式風格,並假設國內市場存在四個消費群:實用堅固群、經濟環保群、品牌形象群、時尚美學群。篩選20組家具相關的形容詞彙,作為家具產品意象認知的測試工具,由考量因素、偏好風格、意象認知等面向制定問卷,問卷分為三個部分:消費者基本資料、消費偏好、意象認知。並於相關場域發放問卷,將所蒐集資料以SPSS套裝統計軟體進行分析。 研究結果顯示,國內市場之消費者中確實存在研究假設之四個族群,各消費者於購買產品的地點、可接受的價格、偏好的家具風格、對家具的了解程度上分別有其差異性存在,其中由考量因素對偏好家具風格所產生的族群差異,歸納出時尚美學群對於風格的偏好;由考量因素對可接受價格的族群差異分析對於可接受價位最高的品牌形象群的偏好風格;由考量因素與購買地點的族群差異分析實用堅固群的偏好風格;由考量因素對瞭解程度分析經濟環保群的偏好風格,並以各族群樣本對應偏好風格做意象認知的分析,以期藉由本研究所歸納出的結果,能提供家具產業在設計、研發、製造、行銷等各方面參考。The purpose of this research is to understand the distribution of each consumer group in domestic furniture market at the present time by finding out the consumer preference on furniture and how the images of these products affect consumer recognition. This research first based on related documents to clarify the theory of market segmentation. Next, it explored the distribution of consumer groups, and finding out weather these groups have different product preferences or not. Research summed up the appropriate classification for furniture styles according to related documents, classifying furniture by six styles: Nordic, Smartness, American, Chinese, Local, and European style. We hypothesized that there has four consumer groups in domestic market: Fashion Aesthetics Group, Practical Sturdy Group, Economic Green Group, and Brand Image Group. We chose 20 adjectives about furniture to test the image feeling from furniture consumer. The questionnaire is on the basis of three subjects about material considerations, consumer behavior and product image with cognitions of feelings. We handed out the questionnaire at related place, analyzing the data by the SPSS statistics software. Research result reveals that domestic consumer market indeed includes four consumer groups. Each group has difference preference on shopping places, price, and furniture style, and has different degrees of understanding on furniture. Among all, we concluded the style preferences of Fashion Aesthetic Group by the group difference of material considerations and by the favorite furniture style. Brand Image Group has the highest acceptance on price if we explored the group difference in material considerations and the accepted price. Practical Sturdy Group was explored by material considerations and the shopping place. Economic Green Group was explored by material considerations and degree of understanding. Besides, we also made test survey to realize the cognitions of four consumer group’s feelings on product image. We expect the result from this research would provide reference of designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing to furniture industry.消費偏好市場分群產品屬性Market SegmentationProduct AttributesConsumer Preference以家具消費偏好探討市場分群與產品屬性關聯性之研究A Study of the Relationship between Market Segmentation and Product Attributes from the Consumer Preference on the furnitures