邱炯友郭貞吟2014-10-272014-10-272010-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15279二次引用是眾多引用文獻問題(譬如:引用錯誤、自我引用、引用動機等)的其中一項。二次引用規範易於被學者於撰寫研究或學術報告時所忽略。引文分析已成為評鑑學術成果之工具之一,引文中的二次引用問題將成為該評鑑的重要變數,若不確實遵守二次引用規範,則會影響引文計量之問題。有鑒於此,本文藉由抽樣探討臺灣圖書資訊學專任教師發表在期刊之文章,查證教師在撰寫學術文章時,是否遵守引用文獻格式所規範的二次引用規範,並揭示各種可能之行為動機,最後提出結論,說明二次引用的時機、精神以及其重要性。Indirect source citing is one of the most noteworthy citation issues. To a certain extent, it is believed that scholars remain easily to ignore the citation rule. Since citation analysis has become one of the tools for evaluating the performance of academic works, indirect citation can be a critical factor in the system. The main purpose of the study is to expolore the indirect source citing cases of scholars in Taiwan university departments of library & information science (LIS) related fields who published research papers on academic journal. Research results through sampling reveal many varied motives prompt individuals to use citation but not very rigid in the ideas of the rules about secondary citation. Finally, the study identifies factors that may influence the decision for making indirect citation.二次引用多層次引用引用格式引用文獻分析圖書資訊學Secondary CitationIndirect CitationReferencing StylesCitation AnalysisLibrary and Information Science學術期刊二次引用研究Indirect Source Citing of Scholarly Journals: A Case Study of the LIS Articles in Taiwan