胡宗文Hu, Daniel裴書逸Borissenko, Pavel2022-06-082022-02-092022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/51d7e83692edec78dca11409c32d0806/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118083本研究以美國科學紀錄影集《宇宙大探索》(2014-2020) 為研究對象,採用Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) 框架,針對其中文翻譯字幕所使用之翻譯程序進行分析。此研究尤其專注於探究在語際字幕翻譯情境下翻譯隱喻的手法。本研究所使用之語料庫取自此影集總計二季23集之內容,其播放時間約為960分鐘,並包含共16,024行之中英文字幕。本研究首先以typological class將不同隱喻進行分類,並將各隱喻分類所使用之專屬翻譯程序歸納整理為次數表。其後,研究者透過質性分析,深度探討譯者如何在非常有限的字幕字數中翻譯隱喻,及此限制對於譯者行為及翻譯手法所造成之影響。本研究總共蒐集了930個的隱喻實例。研究結果指出,processual transformation是最缺乏穩定性的隱喻, 而concretization 和humanization 的穩定程度則最高。最後,研究者則參考Shuttleworth (2013)之研究,以論述方式說明此研究與Shuttleworth研究結論相同和相異之處。This study analyzed the translation procedures utilized during the subtitling of the popular science documentary series Cosmos (2014-2020) into Mandarin Chinese. Specifically, the study explored the English-Mandarin language pair and focused on the translation of metaphor within the context of interlingual subtitling. The corpus consisted of a total of 16,024 lines of subtitles in each language. The data was sourced from the two available seasons of the series, which consists of 23 episodes and has a combined runtime of approximately 960 minutes. Analysis was conducted within the general framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT). The study endeavored to categorize metaphors at the highest level of generality, namely according to their typological class. Once each metaphor was assigned a typological class and a translation procedure was established, the results were tabulated and collected in frequency tables. The results were then analyzed qualitatively, offering detailed insight into the specific nature of translator behavior while attempting to deal with the difficulties of translating metaphor within the heavily constrained medium of subtitles. A total of 930 examples of metaphorical expressions were extracted from the corpus. The study revealed that processual transformation metaphors were the least stable class, while concretization and humanization classes exhibited the highest level of stability. Finally, the study drew on the work of Shuttleworth (2013), which utilized a corpus of Scientific American articles to explore metaphor translation in five languages across seven novel parameters including typological class. The current study concluded by offering constructive commentary on Shuttleworth (2013) based on the methodology, results, and conclusions of the two studies.字幕翻譯隱喻隱喻翻譯質性分析科學紀錄影集宇宙大探索subtitle translationShuttleworthmetaphor translationmetaphortypological classqualitative analysisConceptual Metaphor Theorypopular science documentaryCosmos科普字幕隱喻之翻譯與策略: 以「宇宙時空之旅」為例Metaphor Translation Procedures in Popular Science Subtitling: A Case Study of Cosmos學術論文