李明芬邱朝基2019-08-292009-2-272019-08-292008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093023111%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92221論文摘要 本研究鎖定占學校志工約九成左右的婦女志工為對象,試以「婦女參與志願服務經驗之研究」為主題,以質化研究的「深度訪談」作為資料蒐集的主要方法,針對六位服務超過四年以上的學校婦女志工為對象主軸。探討她們在參與志願服務的經驗歷程,以及如何在多重角色轉換中調適,並了解在服務過程中本身所獲得的成長與改變,除了訪談之外,為得到多角度的資料,本研究還輔以參與觀察與文件分析補強本研究所需的資料。 依上述目的分別歸納出以下結論: 一、 婦女志工的服務參與動機,與個人生活情境因素有密切相關。 二、 婦女志工持續參與的原因來自團體環境及他人正向的回饋。 三、 婦女志工在服務過程中經歷的點滴是豐富且難忘的。 四、 婦女志工自認服務過程的挫折不多,也多能以合理及轉化心境的方式調適。 五、 志工經歷的學習與體會讓女性志工的生命更具主體性。 根據研究結論,提出本論文的五點建議: 一、 對婦女志工的建議 1. 應主動積極參與學校志工服務,促進自我實現。 2. 重視志工個人的進修成長,提升專業服務知能。 二、 對學校機構的建議 1. 學校事前完成需求評估,可有效運作志工人力。 2. 妥善滿足志工參與動機需求,可強化志工持續服務。 3. 學校成員給予志工正向態度,凝聚學校志工向心力。 三、 對社會及志工家庭的建議 1. 社會或志工家庭成員應多給她們一些肯定及鼓勵。 2. 擔任志工可幫助個人成長與改變,進而豐富了整個家庭與工作生命。 四、 對於其他追求生命意義者的建議 1. 每個人都能找到適合自己的位置、找到屬於自己的生命意義。 2. 人生的選擇很多,需要付出的地方更多,多給自己嘗試的機會。 五、 對未來學術研究的建議 1. 就研究議題方面而言,可擴大領域探究其他不同學校或機構的參與情形,或深入探究學校、教師、志工合作的最佳模式,均為合適的研究議題。 2. 以研究方法方面而言,本研究僅採質性研究法,對於所得的研究結論比較無法完整的推論,質性研究有優點,但也有限制。 3. 以研究對象而言,本研究僅以單一學校志工為樣本,同質性較高,可增加不同性別、規模之學校或跨縣市學校志工,甚至同類型不同服務處所的志工。 關鍵詞:婦女志工、志願服務、學習歷程、經驗The Study of Female’s Experience of Participating in Volunteer Service Student: Chao-Chi Chiu Advisor: Professor Ming-Feng, Li Abstract This study aims at studying the experiences of the female volunteers who account for approximately 90% of the total volunteers in most elementary schools in Taiwan. In this study, “in-depth interview” was employed to collect research data. The researcher selected six female volunteers who have served in the school for more than four years to explore their experiences in volunteering services. How they adapted themselves to the multiple roles, and what changes they experienced from the voluntary services are the major focus of interviews. In addition to interviews, participant observation and document analysis were also conducted to enrich the research data. Based on the research findings, the following conclusions were derived: 1. Female volunteers’ motivations for participating in voluntary service are closely related to their personal life. 2. Positive feedback from the school and other partners is the momentum driving female volunteer workers to continue their participation. 3. The experiences that female volunteer workers gained are multiple and abundant, carrying profound meaning to their growth. 4. Female volunteer workers consider that frustration encountered in the service is minimal and they can usually adapt themselves to the frustration in a rational way. 5. The learning eperiences that femail volunteer workers went through help them to resume their autonomy of life. According to the research conclusions, suggestions were proposed as follows: 1. Suggestions for female volunteer workers: (1) They should proactively participate in school volunteer service to achieve self-fulfillment. (2) They should enhance personal growth and professional service knowledge. 2. Suggestions for schools (1) It is necessary to conduct an evaluation on the demands of school volunteering and make the best use of available huan resources (2) Volunteer workers’ motives of continuous participation should be induced through adequate encouragement (3) The school authority should hold a positive attitude toward volunteer workers to enhance their cohesion. 3. Suggestions for the society and the family of volunteer workers (1) The society and the family of volunteer workers should offer more positive feedback and encouragement. (2) Serving as a volunteer worker helps enhance personal growth which can further enrich the entire family and the adults’ work life. 4. Suggestions for those seeking life meaning (1) Everyone should be confident of seeking a meaning of life and find a suitable position in volunteering service.. (2) One should alow himself/herself more opportunities to contribute to the society. 5. Suggestions for future studies (1) In terms of the research issues, this research could be further expanded to volunteering participation in several schools, and a model for the cooperation among the school, teachers, and volunteer workers can be derived. (2) As to research subjects, the sample in this study was composed of volunteer workers in only one school, so the research subjects might have high homogeneity. Volunteer workers of different genders, working at schools of different scales or across various regions or even volunteer workers providing similar services but for different institutions could be included in future studies. Keywords: female volunteer workers, volunteer service, learning process, experience婦女志工志願服務學習歷程經驗female volunteer workersvolunteer servicelearning processexperience婦女參與志願服務經驗之研究~以學校志工為例