國立臺灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系曾永清2014-12-022014-12-022012-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/41871本研究第二年計畫除了發展大學生進階理財教育課程外,並利用問卷收集全國九所大學大學生理財素養相關資料,問卷發出1000份,回收有效樣本為824份,用以探討影響大學生理財素養之相關因素。自變數為父母雙親社經地位,包含雙親學歷與職業狀況,依變數包括雙親理財教育,學生理財意願與其理財素養。父母理財教育之向度包括「與父母討論理財議題」、「父母協助理財」二個,理財行為經因素分析後,得出「興趣程度」、「熟悉商品數」二個向度,理財素養則由測驗總分呈現。 本研究發現:父親或母親最高學歷、學生每星期與父母討論理財議題、父母教導、協助理財、學生對金融商品興趣程度、雙親職業等項,單因子變異數考驗的F值未達到顯著水準,表示上述因子間的不同,其理財素養間並沒有顯著的差異存在。而在學生熟悉商品數、學生一個月生活費、公、私立與科技大學生等項,整體考驗的F值達到統計上的顯著水準。於SEM分析結果,家庭社經地位對理財素養有正向影響,家庭社經地位愈高,反映在學生的理財素養上也愈大,其亦透過父母理財教育產生間接正向影響。家庭社經地位對於理財意願無直接關係,係數不顯著。父母理財教育則對理財素養有負向影響,而透過學生之理財意願來影響理財素養,產生正向間接效果。多群組的結構方程模式顯示均能通過測量路徑係數恆等、結構路徑係數恆等條件的檢驗,顯示以校別為變項的三群組的因素負荷並無顯著差異。This research in the second year is planned to develop students advanced financial course, and utilize questionnaire to collect the financial literacy relevant data of nine university students, total 1000 questionnaire were distributed, effective samples received were 824, then we used them to investigate the possible factors that influence students financial literacy. The independent variable is parents‘ social and economic status, including parents‘ academic level and jobs, dependent variables are parents‘ financial teaching, the financial intension and literacy of students. Parents‘ financial teaching include students discussing financial matters with parents and parents help to manage financial matters, financial intension has two factors, which are interesting level about financial matters and familiarity about financial assets, financial literacy performance is present by scores of financial test. This research find: factors such as parents‘ academic level, discussing financial matters with parents, parents help to manage financial matters, interesting level of about financial matters, parents‘ jobs, etc., have lower F values in single factor ANOVA, which show there are insignificant difference among students on financial literacy, though facts as familiarity about financial assets, monthly living fee, public, private and technological university students, display that there are insignificant difference. On SEM result, family SES of parents provides direct effect on their children‘ financial literacy, the higher SES is, students‘ financing literacy the better, which also through parents‘ financial teaching display an indirect positive effect. But this indicator has no direct relation on students financial intension, coefficient is not significant. For parents‘ financial teaching, it shows negative influence on financial literacy, but has indirect positive effect through financial intension. The result of multi-groups analysis shows that measurement weights and structural weights remain invariant in different tests, which means among different college students there are insignificant in factor loadings.理財素養理財教育認知彈性SEM分析financial literacyfinancial educationcognitive flexibilitySEM analysis大學非商業類科學生理財教育課程之規劃、實施與檢定(II)A Study on Curriculum Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Financial Education for Non- Commercial Department College Students (Ii)