郭禎祥博士Dr.Ann Kuo陳秋冬Chen chiu-tung2020-12-102006-7-282020-12-102006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092603020%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114831本研究主旨是為了要瞭解社區文化對學童繪畫表現,其創作歷程就其學習歷程、動機、作品形式、內容等四大層面探討其「關聯性」、「影響性」,本研究以臺北市萬華區東園國小五年級的學生為研究對象,以班級為單位,在每次進行施測時進行資料蒐集,然後再做內容的分析,以了解學生的社區文化影響其繪畫表現的差異。 本研究所得結論如下: 一、從研究結果結果顯示社區文化影響學生繪畫表現。 在萬華區實施的藝術教育,符合多元學習的理念,教師從社會議題中心導入學生的認知建構,從生活經驗帶著學生層層瞭解與學習,在傳統社區文化逐漸消失的現代,文化認同與傳承是非常重要,這樣的學習,能被學生接受,是非常有意義的。 二、社區文化與兒童繪畫教學,有很大關係。 多元文化的社會中,每一種文化都應該是每一個被尊重的個體。比起臺北市其他各區,萬華區目前雖然資源較為不足,但表現的海洋移民文化歷史典故與風情,具有特色。豐富的族群特質源自龍的傳人,奮鬥生存的本能與意志,那股永遠伴隨人的努力,輸人不輸陣的心理,得以克服困難,而賴以為生存不絕的精神,在這多元的社會,是不斷被珍惜與傳承。而藝術作品正是這種智慧的經驗化,以及美的理念,更產生所謂文明、社群的結構關係、生活模式的形成與民俗觀念的信仰。 三、教師研發設計課程善用社區資源。 加吶文化節課程引導,做到社區文化落實於校內教學活動,也成為本校 特色課程之一。從學生自發性的學習到,發表的成果看來,傳承既有的文化,值得我們努力以赴。如何使居民成為社區營造的主體,「社區營造人」非常重要。 四、培養「好奇的眼光」,取代專業鑑賞的目標所謂「好的眼光」。 好奇的眼光,隱含的是並非任何事物都能瞭解或整理的,是能夠發現以往所 不知或不曾察覺的事物,我們不僅是培養學生好奇的眼光,這更是我們專業領域之中所需要的。 根據上述的研究結果,提出幾項關於美術教育實務工作的建議: (一)對兒童藝術教育工作者的建議: 學校、學生都是屬於社區的一分子,學生在學校所受的藝術教育課程內容,應該能應用於個人、家庭和社群生活中,教師在設計藝術課程的時候應針對此進行,以切合實際,才能避免造成藝術教育的內容與現實經驗的脫離。 (二)學校所應扮演的角色,是協助支援第一線教師,發揮扮演傳承和開發的功用。 主動尋求社區的資源為學校教材,提供教師產生自然、和諧與統整課程的藝術教育空間,以能透過探索文化的本源及其來龍去脈,藉以實施多元文化教育,讓學生了解個人與異己,對文化產生認同,發揮扮演傳承和開發的功用。 (三)對未來研究之建議 1.藝術教師必需不斷專業進修,才能面對瞬息萬變的生活周遭和未來。 藝術是我們心靈對這個世界的真實反應,如同劉良佑對藝術的熱愛與對鄉土的責任感,透過他審美的尋禮方式,為社會大眾展現了臺灣寺廟藝術的優美面貌,傳承人類藝術活動。這種精神值得身為藝術教師的借鏡。 2.塑造兒童能夠參與的環境,保障其參與權。 日本新制訂的兒童權力條約中,規定了「表明意見權」,在環境問題日見複雜的今日,問題的解決有賴於每個人的自覺與行動。順應當今潮流,塑造兒童能夠參與的環境,保障其參與權,也是今後我們所要面對兒童福利的重要課題。 3.不要讓學習活動成為過眼雲煙,要留下記錄,以便銜接下次的教學活動。 透過繪畫教學活動,我們知道什麼是我們要給孩子的。 4.對進一步研究的建議: A.本研究為地域性,本研究取樣只採取一所本市萬華區學校進行研究。建議未來研究者取樣可擴充到其他地區。 B.研究取樣的年齡層宜增加,本研究基於研究設計之考量,只選擇10、11歲2個年齡層。建議未來可以加入7、8、9、12歲等年齡層。 C.本研究為個人進行藝術教育課程研究,無法對實施層面的問題進行研究,建議未來可以朝多元文化藝術教育實施面臨的困難或課程統整規劃之問題作進一步研究。 關鍵字:社區文化、兒童繪畫、社區營造、觀看、好奇的眼光、專業鑑賞The main purpose of this research is to examine, in terms of the four main levels of art education progress, motivation, form, and content, the “connection” and “influence” of curriculum creation, in order to understand the influence that community culture has on the expression of young student’s painting. The subjects of this research are fifth grade students at Tungyuan Primary School in Taipei’s Wanhua District, with each class as a unit. During measurement and data collection, a content analysis was undertaken to understand the difference made by the influence of the students’ community culture on the painting expression. Researching with sequential sections, the following results were obtained: 1. The research results show that the community culture influences the expression of students’ painting contents. 2. The close connection between community culture and children’s painting education: to build the identify of multi-culture. 3. Teachers developing and designing curriculum that use community resources well. Based on the aforementioned research results, some suggestions about practical work in art education are made as follows: 1. Suggestions for children’s art educators: The school and the students are all parts of the community. The curriculum contents of the art education that the students receive in the school should be able to make use of the things in personal, family, and social lives. When designing arts curriculum, teachers should keep this in mind, to fit with reality, and to avoid creating a gap between the contents of art education and real experience. 2. The role of the school should be in the position to assist and support the teachers on the front line, and develop the functions of passing on knowledge and developing new ideas. 3. Suggestions for future research: a. Art teachers must always improve their expertise if they want to face the constantly changing environment of life and the future, as our spirits reflect of this real world, creating an environment that children can participate in, and supporting this right of participation. b. Do not allow learning activities to become something that just fades away. Leave a record so that it can connect with the next educational activity. Through painting educational activities, we know what we want to give to the children. c. Suggestions for advancing the research: (1) This research is local. It only takes samples form for one school in this city’s Wanhua District. It is suggested that future researchers, when taking samples, expand to other areas. (2) It would be better if more age levels were used in sampling. This research was based on the two ages of 11 and 12. It is suggested that the ages be expanded to 7, 8, 9, and 12 in future research. (3) This research was unable to look into questions at the practical level for personal art education curriculum research. It is suggested that that in the future, research can move towards the problems faced by the implementation of diverse cultural art education or the problems of curriculum integration plans. Keywords: culture, community culture, children’s painting, multi-culture, art education文化社區文化兒童繪畫多元文化藝術教育culturecommunity culturechildren's paintingmulti-cultureart education社區文化與兒童繪畫表現之探討─以東園國小五年級為例