馮理詮林秋萍陳昭儀Li-Chuan FengChiu-Pig LinChao-Yi Chen2016-05-062016-05-062014-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78481本文以均衡發展的觀點,探討目前臺灣各縣市資優學生之鑑定和教育安置服務的實施現況,先比較我國與美國之鑑定精神與方式,並對於後續教育服務的架構進行說明,整理學者在此架構下所提出的細部規劃,最後以Renzulli所提出之「全方位才能發展的連續性服務」模式為藍圖,檢視我國資優教育鑑定與安置的現況,並以需求為本位提出相關建議。This article was to explore the current status of identification and placement for the gifted and talented students in Taiwan from a viewpoint of even development. The spirit and measures of identification in Taiwan were compared with those in United States and the structure of following education services were explained. Arranging detailed plans under the structure offered the professionals, the author proposed “Continuum of services for total talent development” model as the blueprint to examine the current status of identification and placement for the gifted and talented students in Taiwan and provided the need-based suggestions.資優生均衡發展鑑定安置gifted educationbalanced developmentidentification and placement從全方位服務的理念論資優生之鑑定與安置服務A Discussion of the Planning and Implementation of Balanced Development in Gifted Education from Identification and Service Perspectives