卓俊辰Jiunn-Chern Jwo劉坤宏Kun-Hon Liou2019-09-052003-6-202019-09-052003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000193%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106017本研究主要探討國中生休閒時運動行為之現況,並探討運動行為與其背景因素、運動自我效能、運動結果期待及運動社會支持之關係。採用問卷調查法以分層隨機抽樣方式,對彰化縣國中生發出1100份問卷,得有效樣本839份。所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後比較、皮爾森積差相關及複迴歸等統計方法處理,分析後的結果如下: 一、有規律運動的國中生佔29.3%。 二、不同性別、年級的國中生在運動行為上有差異。 三、背景因素的差異比較:不同性別、年級、自覺健康狀況的國中生在運動自我效能及運動結果期待有差異;在運動社會支持上,只有不同年級、自覺健康狀況的國中生有差異。 四、運動自我效能、性別、運動結果期待等變項,對運動行為之預測力有13.6%,並且達到顯著水準。The study was to survey the exercise behaviors of junior high school students during their leisure time and to examine its’ relations with selected demographic characteristics as well as psychosocial variables including exercise self-efficacy, exercise outcome-expectations and exercise social support.The instruments administered to the subject were questionnary by the way of stratified random sampling. The subject of this study samples junior high school students in Zhang-hua county 1100 questionnaries were sent out,and 839 effective questionnaries were received. The collected data was analyzed by desciptive statistics , One-way ANOVA,Scheffe’s posterior comparison, Person’s product –moment colletion and multiple regression . The results indicate that (1)There were 29.3 percent of junior high school students who exercise regularly.(2)There were difference of exercise behaviors between different sex and grade of the subject.(3)To compare with different background:There were difference of exercise self-efficacy and exercise outcome-expectations between different sex,different grade and different healthy condition of the subject. There were difference of exercise social support between different grade and different healthy condition of the subject.(4)The determinants of exercise self-efficacy,sex and exercise outcome -expectations could significantly predict the exercise behaviors,and the predicting ability was 13.6 percent.運動行為運動自我效能運動結果期待運動社會支持exercise behaviorsexercise self-efficacyexercise outcome-expectationexercise social support彰化縣國中生運動行為及其影響因素之研究Research of Exercise Behaviors and the other Influent Research of Exercise Behaviors and the other Influent In Zhang-Hua County