洪榮昭Hong, Jon-Chao黃美娟Huang, Mei-Chuan2023-12-082023-10-102023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d084ff2edf595043250f88881ced2907/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119017本研究主要是探討華語文教師在現今教育的趨勢變革環境中,因應科技衝擊,教師融入資訊科技於學科教學與專業發展的能力。為了瞭解專業華語文教師們在全球新冠病毒疫情爆發後實施遠距教學,將資訊科技融入華語文教學的現況與展望,本研究編製知能問卷作為研究工具, 應用「科技融入學科教學知識」(technological pedagogical content knowledge, TPACK)為基礎,以臺灣師範大學在職數位專班之華語文教師們為研究受訪者,目的是希望探究與檢驗在變革環境下科技輔助的學習效果,以及找出未來華語教學領域的專業成長需要加強的部分。本研究於2021年進行,採用問卷調查法,以自編的問卷為研究工具,問卷調查、施測時間為2021年11-12月。以參與的87位教師為母體研究對象,最終具代表性且有效採用的樣本總計有25份資料。並根據IPA分析法來探討研究目的。研究結果發現:一、 華語文教師對TPACK評鑑的各項指標,具有正向觀點。二、 華語文教師對TPACK評鑑的各項指標,在重要度與專業技能具備程度認知,不會因「年齡」或「教學年資」不同而有顯著差異。三、 華語文教師對TPACK評鑑的各項指標,在重要度與專業技能具備程度認知有顯著差異情形。四、 華語文教師對TPACK七個維度面向評鑑,在CK維度面向是比較強勢,應該持續保持此面向的專業技能項目以保持職場的競爭優勢。在TPACK維度面向是比較弱勢,是過度的努力與資源投入。This study is intended to examine how Chinese-language teachers apply information technology (IT) to their daily classroom interactions and teaching-technique development to cope with technology impacts in the ever-changing educational environment.Countries like Taiwan have moved from classroom education into virtual class after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has been seen in the provision for Chinese teaching. In order to understand how the professional Chinese-language teachers implement remote teaching after the global breakout of COVID-19, and to explore the present and prospect of the incorporation of IT in the Chinese-language education arena, a questionnaire based on TRACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) is designed and delivered to the Chinese-language teachers of the Online Continuing Education Master's Program of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in National Taiwan Normal University, with the hope to ex-plore and examine the effect of IT-assisted learning in a revolutionary classroom, and to look into what to do for the professional Chinese-language teaching environment to grow and flourish. This study was conducted in 2021, and a survey was prepared and delivered during the period of November-December, 2021. A total of 87 teachers were surveyed, and a number 25 ques-tionnaires were collected and effective. The method of IPA was adopted in the survey analysis.After analyzing the questionnaires, this study reaches the following conclusions:1. The Chinese-language teachers have a positive view of the evaluation index of TPACK skills.2. The cognition of Chinese-language teachers on the importance-capabilities of the evaluation index of TPACK skills shows no significant different results on the factors of"Age" and "Year of Experience". 3. The cognition of Chinese-language teachers on the importance-capabilities of the evaluation index of TPACK skills shows significant different results. 4. The cognition of Chinese-language teachers on the importance-capabilities of the evaluation index of seven domains of the TPACK model skills shows that, the content knowledge dimension (CK) of the TPACK is relatively strong, which should be maintained to achieve potential competitive advantages. The dimensionTechnological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is relatively weak, indicating that too much allocation of efforts and resources, which should be allocation of resources else-where is required to achieve a higher level of advantage.科技融入學科教學知識華語教學中文師資培訓IPA分析法TPACKChinese teachingTeacher trainingImportance-Performance analysis華語教師在數位教學環境變革中所需TPACK的專業成長Research on Chinese-language Teachers in Digitalized Workplace Needed TPACK Professional Developmentetd