范靜媛葉建宏Jing-Yun Fan, Jian-Hong Ye2022-05-162022-05-162021-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/115959自108課綱實施後,探究與實作之教學方法,受到各級學校重視。然而,目前相關研究多數集中於幼稚園、小學至中學之K-12教育階段,在技專校院階段的教學之相關研究仍屬少數。因此,本研究以立意取樣方式,邀請臺灣南部地區一所技專校院時尚設計系20位學生參與研究,在一學期教學期間,以行動研究方式,並藉由對話及課程學習紀錄報告之內容,了解研究對象之學習狀況,並以此探討基於專題製作的課程之探究式教學模組之實施效果,並導入本研究發展之步驟化的「問題、資料收集/分析、討論、解釋、修正、確認探究模式」(簡稱QC/ADEAC探究模式)教學模組。本研究發現,使用步驟化的QC/ADEAC探究模式教學模組,達到以學生為中心之目的,並能夠提升學生之學習,表現其創意與找尋解決問題之方法,且能夠有效幫助學生進行專題製作主題的發想與收斂。但在前期課程中,因研究對象不熟悉此一教學方式,研究者須提供更充裕的輔導與諮詢資訊。除此之外,本研究之實施結果亦可提供技術型高級中等學校教師之「專題實作」課程之教學參考,並協助學生在課程產出實作作品,成為未來申請大學時的重要資料。Since the implementation of the curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education, inquiry and hands-on teaching methods have been emphasized by schools at all levels. Most of the research focuses on K-12 education from kindergarten, elementary school to secondary school, but few related studies are at vocational and technological college or university level. Therefore, this study adopted the purposive sampling method and invited 20 students from the Department of Fashion Design of a university of science and technology in southern Taiwan to participate in this study. An action research was conducted during the one-semester teaching to understand participants' learning status through the contents of the learning portfolio in order to explore the effectiveness of the implementation of inquiry-based teaching with a topic-based curriculum. The study introduced a model with step-by-step procedures: "Question, Collection/Analysis, Discussion, Explanation, Amendment, and Confirmation Inquiry Model" (QC/ADEAC Inquiry Model). This study found that the use of step-by-step QC/ADEAC inquiry model teaching can achieve the goal of student-centered, and enhance student learning performance in expressing their creativity and finding solutions to problems, and effectively help students narrow down a topic for the project-based practical course. However, the researcher needs to provide adequate consultation in the beginning of implementation because the participants were not familiar with this teaching method. In addition, the results of this study provide teaching reference for vocational school teachers in teaching "project-based" courses, and help students to produce practical works in the courses, which can be important material when applying for universities in the future.行動研究時尚設計專題製作探究式教學探究與實作action researchfashion designproject designinquiry-based teachinginquiry and practice探究與實作應用於技專校院專題製作課程教學模式之研究A Study on Teaching and Learning Model of Project Design Course in a Vocational and Technological College and University