洪久賢胡夢蕾Jeou-Shyan HomgMeng-Lei Hu2014-10-272014-10-272008-02-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11274本研究旨在發展與編製適用於評量廚藝創造力發展歷程的工具,量表的發展與編製乃基於廚藝創造力理論與發展為一連續構念的歷程。「廚藝創造力發展歷程量表」包括「準備」、「阻釀與轉換」、「異象化」、「發現想法」、「討論與妥協」、「豁朗」、「想法評估」七個構念,全量表共的題,做答方式採用Likert 六點量尺。本研究所使用的資料分析方法包括次數分配、描述統計、項目分析、Cronbach α 內部一致性分析、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、皮爾森積差相關、t 考驗,與單因子變異數分析。量表的內度一致性係數介於.77 至.91 之間,並以因素分析來驗證建構效度。整體而言,本量表具有良好的信度與效度。最後,以1 ,000 位立意樣本為研究對象,進行大量施測,回收有效樣本為669 份。本研究發現創造力發展歷程因性別、教育程度而有顯著差異;而不同廚藝專長之廚師或學生,其在廚藝創造力發展各歷程上表現也不一。本研究根據研究結果,提出有關量表應用與未來研究之具體建議。The purpose of this research was to develop an inventory for measuring culinary creativity development. This inventory is based on the theory of culinary creativity and the concept that “ development" is a continuing process. The inventory includes 7 major aspects: preparation, incubation and transformation, realization, discovering new ideas, discussion and compromise, illumination, and idea evaluation. There are 40 criteria included in the inventory using a 6-point Likert scale. One thousand participants were invited to participate in the research , and 669 valid responses were returned. Frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, item analysis , Cronbachα , exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson' s correlation analysis , and ANOVA aretechniques employed to analyze the data collected. Internal consistency ranged from .77 to .91 , and construct validity is tested using factor analysis. Results supported the reliability and validity of the inventory. It was found that gender and educational background were related to the development of culinary creativity development. In addition, chefs and students demonstrate different developmental processes because they possess different culinary experience. Application of the inventory and future research directions are discussed.創造力量表發展廚藝廚藝創造力餐旅教育creativityculinary artsculinary creativityinventory developmenthospitality education廚藝創造力發展歷程量表之發展研究The Construction of Inventory for Culinary Creativity Process