國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系宋曜廷陳學志譚克平2014-12-022014-12-022010-05-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/40854本研究計畫包含三個子計畫,其目的分別在建立與評估「奈米」、「節能」以及「減碳」三個主題之課程概念圖與能力指標。第一年的計畫擬以現行「奈米及能源科技」之計畫主持人、教育心理及科學教育學者及相關領域幼教、國中小學教師教學專家等人為對象,進行「奈米、能源科技」概念圖的知識萃取以及評估。透過文獻分析以及概念構圖法、命題敘述工作坊來萃取領域專家的知識概念圖。同時也使用專家諮詢會議以及德懷術(Delphi technique)來驗證概念階層以及概念圖之重要性及可行性。第一年預計完成3階段(國小、國中、高中階段)*3領域(奈米、節能、減碳)共計9個知識概念圖草案。This project aims at constructing and integrating concept maps from the “Nano and Energy Resources Technologies” group projects so as to facilitate the establishment of appropriate curricular for different school levels. It will also try to establish the prototype for the corresponding ability standards of the curricular. In the first year, the principal investigators of various group projects, psychologists, science educators and school teachers at all levels will be gathered together to discuss the ingredients for the construction of the concept maps. This will be accompanied by literature review and carry out by means of Delphi technique. Effort will be directed towards accommodating as many features from various group projects as possible. The evaluation on the feasibility of the resulting concept maps will be based on the consensus from all participants. Meanwhile, various workshops on concept map and item writing will be conducted prior to the Delphi meetings. It is projected that preliminary concept maps covering 3 areas (nanotechnology, energy saving and low- carbon) by 3 levels (primary, junior high and senior high) will be constructed by the end of the first year.國家型政策導向計畫-奈米及能源科技課程概念圖與能力指標雛型之建構(Ⅰ/Ⅱ)The Construction of Concept Map and Ability Criterions on Nanotechnology and Energy Curriculums